Selling a car with upcoming NCT



We are selling our 1994 car which will be due an NCT sometime in 2005. I'm just wondering what we can do to help reassure potential buyers that it will probably pass the NCT. Its been a great little car and has caused no trouble so I would be willing to put it through some test now if necessary. Thanks.
Quite often a buyer will get a mechanic or [broken link removed]. You could offer to pay for either of these. AFAIK the A.A. service is open to members and non-members but is quite expensive.

It would seem a waste for you to get one of these done in advance and then find that the buyer was willing to make their own arrangements so it might be worth your while to advertise first and then see the lie of the land.

Not sure if any of these would be relevant to you as a seller but might still be worth a read for general knowledge

I thought I read somewhere recently you can get the car NCT'd even though the official testing date wasnt due. Ring the NCT and see. That could be your solution.
Re: nct


When we bought our car the garage got it NCT'd for us. However we still had to take if for an NCT test 7 months later as that was when it was officially due according to the registration date.
So you can probably get it tested but the purchaser will have to take it for another NCT soon after buying it.

Re: nct

I was curious about this too, there was nothing on so I emailed and got the following reply:

Thank you for your email. 00 /01 cars can be tested six months prior to due date and all pre 00 cars can be test 12 weeks prior to due date.
Re: nct

Thanks. What happens if our car fails the NCT though and requires work to get it up to standard - we probably would't be willing to have a lot of work done on it to pass it since we will only be selling it for a few thousand. Would potential buyers then be none the wiser?