Sale of house


Registered User

I bought a house 2 and half years ago with my ex-girlfriend. We parted company about 1 and half years ago. We cant come to an agreement over the house sale.
At present she resides there with the 2 kids. She wont let me buy her out or if i do she wants an unfair amount in my opinion. A lot more than what she'd give to buy me out.
Does anyone know where i stand in this. I heard of a chap who brought his ex to court and eventually she had to sell.
Has anyone any experience or advice to share.

"I heard of a chap who brought his ex to court and eventually she had to sell." Are these your two children you are contemplating making homeless??
Well I suppose in fairness a Court would view this as a commercial transaction, would very likely order a sale and give him his share. If he wants to sell and she does'nt then she should be compensating him. If she cannot afford to keep the house on her own, its sorta hard to see why he should be left out of the loop.

Does the family home declaration not apply in this situation? Do you have to be married? Can the property be sold from under the children?
Does the family home declaration not apply in this situation?

No , broadly speaking, - only applies to a property within which a married couple ordinarily reside/d.

Do you have to be married?

Can the property be sold from under the children?

Redbhoy, in a similiar position at the moment- although my ex intially agreed to buy me out of my share of our home (for a substanially reduced figure), she has failed to produce the cash. As a result of this and the fact that she has refused to grant me joint-guardianship and provide reasonable access to my son I have been forced to intiate legal proceedings. I am also not married. I have been professionally advised that I have a very strong case and that there should be no problem in forcing the sale of the house and recouping in full my rightful share of the jointly owned property. Thank god I never married the woman- would have been a completely different ballgame then!