Sale agreed but need to pull out?



i have gone sale agreed on a house, signed contracts and paid deposits, but am now no longer in a position to purchase and live in the house. Does anyone know what penalties i may be liable to, and what other options are open to me? House is now at snagging stage.
This question cannot be properly answered without access to the actual documents signed by you, and possibly further extrinsic information.

It is at least possible that you have some 'get-out' options. If you do, it is possible that they are time-sensitive. Consult your solicitor without delay.
thanks, Apart from losing the deposits i've paid already, i am also concerned that i may be liable to being sued by the developers for pulling out of the sale - have not heard of anyone this has happened to but believe it may be a possibility......? Am a FTB so proceeding with sale will mean i will not qualify as FTB when i go to purchase my real first time may cost me more in the long run to go through with it.