Roof on round bay window


Registered User
Hi all,

I'm in the middle of a self-build and have ran into yet another problem! The slaters have just started slating the roof of a round bay window and have informed me the the rafters are too apart. They are currently 9" apart and need to be 4" apart so that the slates will not be sitting up. So I rang the carpenter who has been excellent so far and he laughed. He said that he has done loads and has never put the rafters any closer together. He says that it is the ply wood covering the rafters that takes the shape of the curve and moving the rafters closer together will not make any difference. So now I have the slater saying one thing and the carpenter saying another and I don't know how to resolve it!

Any suggestions?

For what it is worth I have a small bay window in my self build and as far as I can tell the rafters were 9" apart. My Carpenter also slated my house.

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Thanks for that Mike. I take it that you are happy with the job that was done and that the slates are not sticking up?
The slates are just the standard Tegral Trutone slate and are being cut into a cone shape
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you might find something here.... but i would think 9" sounds reasonalbe... any closer together and all the rafters would be planed to a point at the ridge....

We added a sunroom 3 years ago with a curved roof, I can't say how far apart the rafters were but there was plywood put on top of the rafters, the main problem with the curved roof is that it is more work cutting the slates we used the trutone slates also, other than that we didn't encounter any other problems. Maybe the slaters just don't want the job!
No issues with the slates sticking up - slates are the same brand as you have - I would say again not been an expert that the plywood would be the cause of slates not sitting correctly as opposed to the rafters -