Rise of extremist politics

It is a thought provoking article... I think he has a starting point that we have the most risk averse political system in Europe... multi seat STV constituencies. It encourages the main parties to converge on the centre, even more so than FPTP.
But I certainly wouldn't draw the same conclusion he draws, that would be going from one extreme to another.
Also, is he really saying he'd vote Renua or some new party of the radical right, or encourage people to look at them?
It is very self-serving that he is known for being on the left and almost all the alternatives are on the left.
Wolfie's panacea of burning the "excess assets" of our 17 billionaires

Jeez, I was only contemplating the idea of placing additional tax on 1 person - the wealthiest at that. But that Davos place is real hangout for radicals.
Admittedly I am confused, I thought getting burnt was a central tenet of free-market capitalism? Risk taking and all that?
But I see now the wealth of the wealthiest is at once an illusion and simultaneously too-big-to-fail.
R Doherty is costing you more ,
The people on more than a hundred grand are going to be burned when the time comes to honour all the expectations and promises made to every vested interest group who knocked on leo and his rag bag Cabinet door,
Look at the overruns on Broadband/new Hospital/none actions on Insurance and such like, these are the extremist type policies high earners will be paying not the rantings of people before profit,

Purple must be very pleased with the minister yesterday telling workers to go join a union,

i don't think it will be possible to row back on any of the expectations and promises made which can only mean taking more money out of High earners pay packets ,
FG already told high earners to vote for FG and FG would do away with the USC see how that worked

The rise of extremist politics is not the problem Ireland faces it is the large increase in taxation on high earners because of the rag bag cabinet the so called none extreme parties ,

Not to mention the high earners who cannot see they are being fooled around with,
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Fintan and his comrades in the Irish media are major contributors to the risk adverse political landscape that we have here. That he can write an article on the subject in such lofty prose is beyond comical
a very small change to SF support will bring them higher than the 50% who vote for FG/FF
Numbers are obviously not your thing.
A doubling in SF support would still leave them well behind the current joint FF FG support
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Numbers are obviously not your thing.
A doubling in SF support would still leave them well behind the current joint FF FG support
Read my post again you will see I said Enda offered FF half of the Cabinet seats to form the last government,and Michael turned it down,

I have heard both Leo and Michael on Air turning down the Idea of both forming a government together after the General Election,

A vote for FG/FF in this General Election Will count for a little over half a vote for one party and less than half for the other party,
It will only take a few % points and SF will pass out the lowest polling party once polls show this happens that party with the lower % points are in real trouble

SF over night becomes the real functioning Oppisition party,

WE will have a repeat of what happened to the labour party in the Republic and the SDLP in NI once SF passed them out,
Same thing happened to the UUP in NI once the DUP passed them out
By the way this is the first Election in a while I havent seen a prediction from you
looking foward to cremeegg calling the 2020 election results,
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Hasn't he been suspended from SF, or subject to disciplinary action?
Yes, after he spoke out against those under aged girls taking advantage of middle aged men by having sex with them.
SF were fine with a limp apology after he said that he didn't want a darkie queer (I'm paraphrasing) running the country.
We live in a democracy (well most of us believe we do). We have all kinds of people going forward for election. Each has his/her own agenda. Ireland has been ruled by minorities for years while political parties ignore the majority. Not everybody wants to vote FF or FG or Lab for their own reasons. SF offers an alternative for the protest voters. Each constituency is different and each protest voter (i.e. those guys who will vote rather than not vote) will probably spend more time studying the field of contestants than the party faithfuls. Let's face it, SF are not going to be a partner in government in the short term but they offer a choice to the likes of me who has no intention following the unthinking hordes.
Couple of things about the SF vote.
- It has not yet materialised at the election box. People get asked a question in polls. Easy to say someone else because nobody is happy with FF/FG but asking someone to actually follow through is different.
- Pearse Doherty is carrying SF on his back. Don't agree with everything he says but he is an impressive politician. Mary Lou doesn't have the same respect and is keeping a much lower profile. She is a lot less impressive. This argument about the RTE debate actually helps SF because they will do better being banned from it.
- Crime is becoming a big election issue. Why on earth have FF and FG not hammered SF on crime? I presume it is just a matter of time. This is the area where SF lose the moral high ground every single time. Question is if FF and FG are capable enough to put the boot in.
- Will SF be able take the vote from other left politicians like people before profit and social democrats. I am not sure at a local level.
SF are not going to be a partner in government in the short term but they offer a choice to the likes of me who has no intention following the unthinking hordes.
SF voters are, by their nature, unthinking. That is unless they support a UK based terrorist organisation with a political front in this country.

It's rather telling that Mary Lou is running in a constituency that went from a 3 seater to a 4 seater AND one of the sitting TDs (Maureen O'Sullivan) retired - yet she doesn't have a running mate.

The problem for sinn fein is that there are other parties that are open in discussing those topics, they might not win any seats but they will take votes away from sinn fein. It is also the case that people that have those opinions will tell polsters that they are voting sinn fein but will actually vote for those other candidates. It is always the case that the polls always flatter sinn fein they never get close to that in an election. There are people that will tell polsters they are voting sinn fein but then vote fianna fail, that certainly happened in the last election.
I don't think SF will get anywhere near 20% on polling day, however I do think they are becoming less transfer averse than previously. At the start of this campaign I saw them losing about 5-7 seats, I'm going to have to revise that now.
So Mary Lou is playing chess while the rest are playing checkers ? Is this what 'Spike' Murray and Martin Lynch are counselling ?
FF are not attacking SF they hope they opinion polls before election day will show SF higher than FG if this happens most FG center ground supporters will vote FF
Over the last number of years we have all kinds of weddings,
Lets have the civil war wedding that has being put off for a long number of years

After all FG and FF moved in together after the last General Election we know they are Compatible having lived almost five year together,
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Can people be more influenced by what happened 100 years ago, than 10 years ago ?

Only in Ireland
I'm influenced by what happened in the last 10 years and the last 40 years and what's happening now. For any one of those reasons and for all of those reasons I will never vote for the political front of the Provisional IRA, which is run by the IRA's army council.

I'll vote for FF or FG, depending on their economic policies at the time.