Revenue tax defaulters list


Registered User
I spent last night looking at the general revenue site (as opposed to ROS). (There was nothing on the TV).

This quarters defaulters list was remarkable on two fronts, firstly there were no "massive payments due" but secondly there was an extra column showing how much had been paid by the defaulter since the original judgement was made.

Another observation on the new site was the list of Court Convictions. The disparity of sentences for similar offenses by the Courts was fascinating and I would recommend every one read it. Sentences of up to 3 years for some cases while other more "serious" cases got suspended sentences.

The new web site has shown (i my opinion) the lottery of the Courts.
You haven't been given any reason for the difference in the decisions given so therefore what you might consider a lottery may not have been such at all. Irish people, like others, really do jump to conclusions rather quickly.
The quarterly publication of these lists, which is designed to maximise media exposure, mean that individual lists can be very misleading if read in isolation.
You haven't been given any reason for the difference in the decisions given so therefore what you might consider a lottery may not have been such at all. Irish people, like others, really do jump to conclusions rather quickly.

Actually, I looked at each case that I was curious about and then Googled the name date and address of each defendant as published.
Interestingly, they were all published separately in the printed media, e.g, Times, Independent, and in local papers eg., Chronicle.
So I stand over my statement about the system being a bit of a lottery.