Revenue hosting outreach event for over-65s: 24 – 28 April, Dublin


Registered User
Revenue’s Personal Division, in conjunction with the Department of Social Protection (DSP), is hosting a week-long outreach event for individuals aged over 65 titled, ‘Over 65 - All you need to know about tax’. This event will take place from Monday, 24 to Friday, 28 April 2023 in Revenue’s public office: Central Revenue Information Office (CRIO), Cathedral Street, North City, Dublin 1.

The information sessions over the week will cover Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT), PAYE, DSP pensions, Local Property Tax (LPT) and income tax. There will also be a presentation from Age Action.

Details of the dates and times of the information sessions and how to register are included in Revenue’s Notice Over 65 – All you need to know about tax Revenue says that this is a pilot event, with the possibility of extending the event to other locations.
Is there a free lunch?
Free bickies, tea, coffee. If your lucky (and have not run out) a free Revenue pen and Revenue note paper. Free sambos and finger food is also a possibility, but don't hold your breathe. I have been told Revenue owe me a free lunch, but I am still waiting for it :)
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