Restaurant for vegetarians in Dublin

I thought you were a raw foodist? Surely it's difficult for you to get anything except salad in a restaurant?
Are you cross checking my posts.
Yes I am a raw foodist but prior to that I was veg for 30 years so have plenty of experience in this area.
These days if I go to a restaurant or to a wedding or function I prepare my food at home and take it with me. Salad was never one of my favourite foods.
These days if I go to a restaurant ... I prepare my food at home and take it with me.
Do you get kicked out of many restaurants for that sort of carry on? Can't imagine too many places welcoming people who bring their own food.

You posted somewhere else about raw foodism and I thought it was interesting so looked into it. However, I was completely turned off it by the mental angry woman running the raw food stall at the tastefest in the RDS a couple of weeks ago.

As for the person who mentioned Jaipur - nice restaurant but not the best veggie Indian selection as the veggie dishes are just big side dishes and quite boring. It's very expensive too. Saba has a good selection. I was hungry when I left L'ecrivain!
You posted somewhere else about raw foodism and I thought it was interesting so looked into it. However, I was completely turned off it by the mental angry woman running the raw food stall at the tastefest in the RDS a couple of weeks ago.
Don't confuse the message with the messager. If you want any info send me an email.
Raw leads to a calming and softening of the personality. I havn't hit anyone for ages. Can not tell what was up with her. Have you any idea who she was.
Do you get kicked out of many restaurants for that sort of carry on? Can't imagine too many places welcoming people who bring their own food.
It is a small town and I have connections with a number of restaurants here so they tolerate me.
I would normally be in a group and the take from the table would be significant enough to make up for it.
Don't confuse the message with the messager. If you want any info send me an email.
Raw leads to a calming and softening of the personality. I havn't hit anyone for ages. Can not tell what was up with her. Have you any idea who she was.

She definitely wasn't calm! She had frizzy curly hair and bit the head off anyone (me included) who dared ask questions about the food. Most of it looked lovely too and I was on the verge of buying a few things.
She definitely wasn't calm! She had frizzy curly hair and bit the head off anyone (me included) who dared ask questions about the food. Most of it looked lovely too and I was on the verge of buying a few things.
I googled that but they have not posted a list of exibitors.
Next year I will go and do the raw stand there and I promise to be nice to you and give you lots of free samples to make up for your bad experience and to show you that raw foodists can be nice.

I'll hold you to that!

I have the list of stands at home but I don't think it included all stands. I'll have a check tonight.

As for the original question, I have a few more suggestions:

El Bahia (Morroccan)
Ho Sin (Vietnamese - only about 3 vegetarian main dishes but they're lovely)
Sinners (Lebanese)
Acapulco (Mexican - can be hit or miss)
Cafe Bar Deli (very casual)
I’m with Gordon Ramsey on Vegetarians. When doing his kitchen nightmares series on TV a chef asked about the vegetarian options, Ramsey replied, “F them, they’ve no f’ing pallet!” Other than on religious grounds I see no moral reason to become a vegetarian and regard it as an affectation which afflicts people in their mid teens but which most of them grow out of.
Having said all that I agree that eastern ethnic cooking offers the best non-meat dishes.
Most vegetarians see no reason to munch on a cow!
100'000 years of evolution that lead us to the top of the food chain and enabled us to develop our higher brain function is my reason to eat meat. Read Robert Winston's "Human Evolution" or other books on the subject for more details. From a moral point of view there is no better way to ensure the survival of a species than to farm it. Bison numbers in the USA are higher than at any time in the last 100 years because people eat them.
Other than on religious grounds I see no moral reason to become a vegetarian and regard it as an affectation which afflicts people in their mid teens but which most of them grow out of.
Prioritising "religious grounds" over other grounds for doing something is a bit of an affectation that afflicts some people in my opinion. Unfortunately many people don't grow out of this one.

100'000 years of evolution that lead us to the top of the food chain
Did we only start evolving 100,000 years ago?

Evolution?! Don't you know humans were playing frisbee with the dinosaurs?
Den Tots yesterday morning would have you believe that! Down with Emma and Sockie...

Evolution?! Don't you know humans were playing frisbee with the dinosaurs?

Prioritising "religious grounds" over other grounds for doing something is a bit of an affectation that afflicts some people in my opinion. Unfortunately many people don't grow out of this one.
Same here but I didn't want to draw the thread into that area. There's no reasoning with faith...
Did we only start evolving 100,000 years ago?
No, modern man is 200'000 years old so I suppose it's reasonable to suggest that our social structures are older. There is a strong link between the time we started to eat meat and the increase in our brain size. This can be seen by looking at the size of our brain cavity and the shape of out teeth. This happened much earlier in our evolution
going fairly off topic here people, surprised at you clubman!
if only denis cotter would open up a cafe paradiso in dublin we'd be in hog-free heaven, that's the best veggie restaurant in the country. i'd second the view that juice is useless. i think ethnic is the way to go, monty's of kathmandu, sinners, most italian restaurants and cafebardeli are the places i'd chose as a veggie.
No, modern man is 200'000 years old so I suppose it's reasonable to suggest that our social structures are older.
My point was just that we (and every other living thing) have been evolving since the first primitive lifeform developed on Earth.
Yes, Cafe paradiso opening up in Dublin would solve my dilemma.

My friends are New Zealander vegetarian lesbians, you just cannot get more specialised and evolved than that! Well over 100,000 years in evolution.

I feel positively Neanderthal in comparison.
I see no moral reason to become a vegetarian quote]
In my life diet is not in any way related to morals. It is related to my body maintenance and my health.
In fact it could be argued that I have no morals.