Repay Pension Contributions after Maternity leave??


Registered User
I wasn't paid whilst I was off on maternity leave. I also took the 4 months unpaid leave. they have given me the option of back paying into my pension for the 10months I was off (which would work out at around €1100). they will pay their employers contribution (approx. €2200). is there any point me paying into it? I really don't understand pensions.
If this is a Defined Contribution pension scheme and your employer is paying twice what you pay in, then there is a benefit in paying the €1,100 if you can, because for your €1,100 an amount of €3,300 will go into your pension fund. In addition, you will get tax relief on your contribution so it should actually cost you less than €1,100.

This answer is based only on the facts you have given - it takes no account of your other financial circumstances, which I know nothing about.