Repair Plasma TV?



Does anyone kno where I could get a plasma Tv repaired?

plasma repair

why not bring it back to where you bought it

Whats the fault, screen itself or something else?
Plasma TV repair?

The store I bought already replaced it with a new one. They left the new one in a box and i was to put the broken one in the box for when they came to collect 2 days later. 2 months later they still have not returned.
Thought I might get it fixed myself and sell it to a fanily memebr.
Re: Plasma TV repair?

Wonder why they haven't bothered to collect it. It can't be very valuable, so repair costs must be prohibitive? Well worth checking out though I'd say.
Plasma TV repair?

Charming. The store doesn't collect what's rightfully theirs so you want it fixed to sell to a family member. I'm glad I'm not in your family! What model is it?
Re: Plasma TV repair?

Charming. The store doesn't collect what's rightfully theirs so you want it fixed to sell to a family member

Don't jump to conclusions just yet! It may be the store don't want the expense and/or hassle of disposing of it and so just leave it there for someone else to worry about.