Rental Tax Relief


Registered User
I generally claim my tax reliefs back in bulk so submitted one in 2011 and did the same for my 2012-2015 tax credits recently. I have been renting since 2008 so claimed the Rental Tax Relief in my 2011 claim and applied for it also in this claim. I was allowed the medical expenses but nothing for rent. In each of the Balancing Statements, 'Rent Tax Credit' is listed under that for Personal and PAYE, with Health Expenses below, but nothing has been calculated. Am I supposed to interpret this as it having already been applied? It's not listed on my P60 and given the holiday season, I can't check at work (payroll office closed). There hadn't been any difference in my pay that I'd noticed to alert me to it being applied either. Has anyone else any experience of this? I assumed you'd need to apply for it, as with the medical expenses. Otherwise, if Revenue made an assumption and applied it automatically, they could leave a person open to a tax liability if the person had stopped renting and didn't realise it was still being applied (much as Revenue could hardly assume a person was going to have medical expenses in a particular year until a claim came in).

The other odd thing on my statement was an amount listed as refunded to charitable organisations, with 'Your refund may be restricted due to donations to Charities/Approved Bodies'. I do fill out a form for the organisations I donate to in the year, but I'm a PAYE worker so this has (or should have) no bearing on my tax liability as it's to the charities' benefit, not mine. Again, has anyone any experience of this?

Obviously, I will contact Revenue but I would welcome others' expertise on here. Thanks in advance.