Rent allowance/maintenance question



Hi all
I'm having problems with my rent allowance. I have been on rent allowance for 2 months now,previously my ex partner was paying maintenance 650 per month which was verbally agree between us,this amount was basically him paying rent. After losing my benefit I was on I applied for supplementary welfare allowance and was told by CWO to apply for RA as I would be entitled to something. I applied and was granted a minimum amount,in the meantime my ex lost his job and couldn't afford 650 per month so reduced payment to 40 per week. I sent letter along with proof (P45) to CWO stating reduction in maintenance and please adjust RA.
Today I receive a phonecall from CWO that I have 7 days to either apply to family court maintenance order or lose my RA. As I am on good terms with ex,he is very good with son and there is no bad blood I do not want to go to court. I know once,or if, he gets a job the maintenance will go back up. I'm being told I HAVE to apply to court I have no choice in matter as there is no reason for ex to reduce so much....he lost his job!!!!
I do not want I be bullied into court by CWO,I am ok with 40 per week as I know that's all he can afford. The CWO was extremely rude on phone and before hanging up said "Court application or I stop your payments,your choice" that's not really a choice when I voiced to her I do not want court,there is no need for court he can't give me what he doesnt have and I feel uncomfortable being forced to court.
Any help on this matter??
I suppose the logic is that you are applying for taxpayers money because the child’s father doesn’t have any so the state needs to ensure that he really is that broke. It does seem strange that a declaration of income or some other form of assessment can’t just be registered with the court or department of Social Welfare (sorry, SOCIAL PROTECTION).
I have sent in proof of income, jobseekers letter he received and p45. I thought that would be proof enough for CWO. It's not as if he is scamming me out of maintenance,he genuinely is only able to afford 40 p/w and the odd time has called in with nappies or clothes he got on sale just to help me out. I offered for him to contact her and personally meet her with forms (which were already sent in!) but she said because I am claiming she doesn't need to meet him. Yes court would be the right choice if I was not receiving maintenance or reduced with no reason but I don't understand why I am being made apply when there is a reason and proof as to why it was reduced.
There was no convincing CWO today,I'm so worried now as I would not be able to afford my rent this month.
If indeed €40 is all he can afford,then what is the problem with going to court.Your ex already knows why your hand has been forced,so its not going to be like a bolt from the blue.
I agree, just start the court maintenance order proceedings. Its very unlikely he will be ordered to pay more than 40e a week. Informal amicable agreements are a luxury not permitted under the SW system.
I would be very surprised if this was a social welfare rule. If your ex is on the dole as you are what is the point of further costs of going to court? And who is going to foot that bill, no doubt legal aid, so taxpayers.

Maybe you can appeal the CWO decision. Or ask at another social welfare office or ring them up.

Here we have a separated family who seem to be doing the right thing, they are amicable and ex is paying maintence when he had a salary, thus reducing the amount of social welfare needed, why would the system try and put a battering ram though that.
I know its annoying but the bottom line is you need to keep a roof over your head so just explain to your ex that to have to take him to court to satisfy the CWO and its nothing personal. If you really get on that well he should understand.