Redundancy Calculators?



Does anyone know of any Redundancy Caclulators? (either on excel or web based).

Some companies offer statutory redundancy (tax free) and additional amount (which is subject to tax). I understand it is possible to minimise the tax libability by making pension contributions.



Im aware of the following which calculates the statutory redundancy only.
Don't know of any calculator other than the DETE one linked above but this Revenue booklet on the taxation of redundancy payments might be of interest.

[broken link removed]

Perhaps somebody has a handier quick reference summary to the redundancy lump sum taxation rules? There used to be one in the Tax forum key posts but it seems to have fallen off the edge of ezBoard at this stage... :\
Thanks <blank>, That site is helpful,

Can anyone confirm whether the statutory redundancy calculations are correct? It goes on about "over 40" and "under 40", afaik this is all gone now (since 2003) because it is ageist.


Surly any legal expenses incurred by me ensuring my employer fulfills their end of our contract would be awarded to me seen as its blatently obvious that they
should pay the bonus as per contract ...
Did you mean to post here or in this other topic?

I don't understand your query in the context of this specific topic.