redundancy and alternatives



Should calculation not be (5 x 5 x 507)+ 507 = €13,182 ?


O, sorry... I was talking about the larger MNCs.

Zed, "Should calculation not be (5 x 5 x 507)+ 507 = €13,182 ?" - normally in a voluntary severance situation the statutory celing does not apply.

new work permits for exploited immigrants

Tánaiste promises new work permits for exploited immigrants

...In a radio interview this morning, Ms Harney said: "If there are people out there who are currently unhappy because the pay and conditions or the terms under which they came are not being fulfilled, if they contact my department we will give them a permit to work elsewhere.

[broken link removed]
Re: new work permits for exploited immigrants

Interesting but not sure what it has to do with this discussion to be honest?
new permits for immigrants

It is no fun being the putt of positive discrimination and being the wrong side of 40. It is out the door no matter how good you are at your job!
new permits for immigrants

Mary - in the context of this thread - outsourcing of IT services - what do you see to be the relevance of permits for immigrants, most of whom will be unskilled, coming from rural or village areas of the Balkans? Outsourcing is part of the machinery of late capitalism and is associated with stimulation of desire, development of "life-style" as opposed to essential needs, and is destructive - generally - of human relations. However there is little opposition to these developments - which are based on greed not need - because the bottom line is "someone" benefits from the switch! I pity the immigrants who before they even reach the shores of Oirland of the Welcomes are being held responsible for decisions of multinationals and global trading strategies

thanks for the numbers and clarifications...i only have 2 years with these guys and i'm on 30k, dunno if i'll bother hanging aroun d for the pennies tbo, it'd be easier to negotiate on better wages with a new employer while i still have a job i think.

Mary, dunno where you're coming from with that remark about mary harney and immigrants, fyi i'm from the eu, i've been here 10 years and certainly didn't come here for the "exciting career prospects" I can guarantee.
i only have 2 years with these guys

i only have 2 years with these guys

It may not be relevant in your case but I think once you go over the the 2 years your rights to any pension contribution refunds disappear.

Pension rights


"I think once you go over the the 2 years your rights to any pension contribution refunds disappear." - not necessarily. In my org. that's not the case.

what if

in the case I get offered a new postion within the same company and this position is different from the one i used to hold and the salary associated to this new position is lower than my current one are there any implications...can i insists to maintain at least my current salary or ask for some sort of lump sum?
Current Salary?

a) "can i insists to maintain at least my current salary" - Yes

b) "or ask for some sort of lump sum? " - do NOT ask this question........ this will be a natrual progression if they get the answer to a) wrong. You should not instigate the discussion on a lump sum.

Let's know how you get on............
subtly sublty

aye Mac, thanks. I have an internal interview for a position which my manager tells me is normally remunerated less that what i currently earn...i certainly am not gonna go there demanding anything but once/if I get the offer from HR I'd like to know how much I can push and what entitlements(if any) are there for yours truly. thanks for your replies so far.
The offer....


Best of luck with the interview...... if they offer you the job I suggest that you express shock and horror if teh remuneration is lower than you currently enjoy...... Then you will have to go away and think about it and tell them you hope they will do the same. Then meet up again and ask if they have reconsidered.

If they are not prepared to moved, tell them you aren't either. Let them instigate any discussion on redundancy - remember to stress that all you want to do is to continue working and have no deterioration in your pay and conditions. This is crucial to the negotiation phase.

All the best

LOL, we're kinda similar :) I have good ammunition for the negotiation in that I came back to a previous position with the same company after travelling for a year and later applied internally for the position i currently hold so I'll play the "loyal soldier" card...considering its them trying to kick us out to save dosh I also have a "moral advantage" point...we'll see how tings pan out. cheers.
It's all a game....

Remember, it's all a game - nothing personal, just a process that has to be worked through. There WILL be funds allocated / budgeted for, just stayed focused and concentrate on what you want the end result to to. No emotions! If you are is discussions and the usual red herring is thrown in - tell them you need time to think about it.

You might have to break out 3 or 4 times until you get the right result but it's worthwhile.

A horrible thought has just crossed my mind - that maybe you work for me!!!!

Re: It's all a game....

Remember, it's all a game - nothing personal, just a process that has to be worked through.

I agree with MAC, essentially it is a negotiation. Unfortunately the game is always a bit uneven. These HR types are doing this every day. You, if your lucky, will only go through the process once.

There are some good books on negotiation out there. I reccomend "Getting to Yes" is out quite a while but I have found it useful.


"A horrible thought has just crossed my mind - that maybe you work for me!!!!"

That would simply be too rich. Give me the secret AAM handshake at the interview, I'll know its you...

Ajapale, thank for the tip. To be honest had enough coming and going in this company to know HR pretty well...I'm used to it, I'm just trying to know some of the legalities so I know when there's a bluff to be called or when to eat humble pie.