My poor mum, age 58 was on her way home from work was hit full force by the arm of a swinging digger excavator type machine which was working on the road whilst she was walking on the footpath. The construction company involved left her on the ground (semi concious) for 10 minutes, no first aid, no ambulance and when she eventually came to, they let her walk home on her own. I was appalled at having contacted them, I was so disgusted at their apathetic response that I contacted the Health & Safety Authority who called to the site and have expressed extreme dissatisfaction with (1) how the accident could have occurred and (2) how it was handled. The site was closed down until correct safety measures were taken.
We were lucky she was not killed. The good news is although she is suffering from extreme bruising to arm, neck, shoulder and base of spine, and she is expected to make a full recovery it could be 3-6 months before she is back at work. If she needs to be signed off work for this length of time, is she entitled to claim for loss of earnings?
My mum has not thought this far ahead, but I know the laws in relation to personal injury claims have changed and you only have a certain amount of time to advise the other side that you are making a claim, which she will need to, at least to recover loss of earnings and medical bills and hopefully there will be no lasting injuries.
I have looked in the golden pages and am bamboozled by the advertisements for Solicitors. We are looking to find a reputable solicitor with experience in this aspect of law, but want to steer clear of any of the "ambulance chaser" type set ups.
Can anyone offer any advice/recommendations in this area.
Many thanks.
We were lucky she was not killed. The good news is although she is suffering from extreme bruising to arm, neck, shoulder and base of spine, and she is expected to make a full recovery it could be 3-6 months before she is back at work. If she needs to be signed off work for this length of time, is she entitled to claim for loss of earnings?
My mum has not thought this far ahead, but I know the laws in relation to personal injury claims have changed and you only have a certain amount of time to advise the other side that you are making a claim, which she will need to, at least to recover loss of earnings and medical bills and hopefully there will be no lasting injuries.
I have looked in the golden pages and am bamboozled by the advertisements for Solicitors. We are looking to find a reputable solicitor with experience in this aspect of law, but want to steer clear of any of the "ambulance chaser" type set ups.
Can anyone offer any advice/recommendations in this area.
Many thanks.