Recommend a brokerage based in Ireland or EU.


Registered User
Hi all,

I have some shares maturing from a scheme and my E*TRADE account doesn’t allow transfers of shares into my account.

So I’m looking for a brokerage that I can transfer shares into, Ireland or EU based, with low fees if possible.

Any recommendations?
Thanks :)
Interactive Brokers () do have an Irish company and I'm nearly sure all Irish accounts are via it now. I've been a customer since before it existed so can't remember which company I was transferred to last.

I'd check with E*TRADE first as I know in my own company share scheme, they automatically sell shares on the vest date with no option to keep or transfer them, only transfer the money out after the tax payment is made.
Degiro are a good option, they charge10 euro to transfer a position onto their platform.
Degiro are a good option, they charge10 euro to transfer a position onto their platform.
I tried transferring into Degiro and after months of waiting was finally told they had decided wouldn't accept transfer from my US Computershare account. This was 13/Jan/21, possibly things have changed.

Email was:
"Unforiutantely it has been decided to suspend all US portfolio transfers. We can only accept a transfer from the 19 countries where we operate."