Re: Best value lump sum deposits (Euro)


Registered User
On the other hand nobody in their right mind should be keeping hundreds of thousands of € on deposit in most cases.

A friend of mine is due to sell land shortly and will have approx 250,000 to invest (lucky her...). She does not anticipate needing the money over the next few years. She knows absolutely nothing about banks, investing etc. and doesn't want any risk, so I would have thought the best thing for her would be one of these deposit accounts, seeing as there's no risk. I know investing in stocks etc traditionally has higher income over time than a deposit account, but then the risk is higher so that wouldn't suit her.

I considered suggesting she go to an independent broker, but she wouldn't trust any of the ones in towns near her. The biggest city near her would be Limerick.

What do you think would be the best thing for her to do?
Your suggestion is absolutely correct, she should go to an independent broker. Suggest one in Cork or Dublin. See to-days thread on '100k to invest and look at the list of independent advisors by Ccovich.
A. She knows absolutely nothing about banks, investing etc. and doesn't want any risk, so I would have thought the best thing for her would be one of these deposit accounts, seeing as there's no risk.

Thats not really true as deposits can lose their value in real terms if inflation is higher than the rate you can get on the deposit (remember to factor in DIRT too).