Rar files to MP3




Got some RAR files and I want to convert them to MP3 and burn them onto CD

I am using Nero

When I drag the files across does it convert itself

are these mp3's inside a rar archive?

have you got any compression/archive software (winzip, etc) which supports rar archives.

if not, here is a link to free compression/zip/rar tools.

Zip Tools

Have about 16 seperate .rar files and I believe this is a compression file. I have been using winzip dont know if the version I have supports .rar files

Seemingly there is some program called winrar that extracts these??

I could open the files using WMP but not sure if I could save them as MP3's to burn ?

RAR is a file compression format all right and there are various free, shareware and commercial utilities that can deal with these. Try Google or somewhere like Download.com. As dannymur says presumably there are MP3 or other sound files inside the RAR archives? (Not sure why anybody would bother doing this since MP3 and other sound file formats are already compressed so attempting to further compress them will generally not yield much or any space saving). I'm not sure if you are also asking if/how you need to convert from one digital sound format (e.g. WMA to MP3 etc.) but again there is loads of information and free tools out the for doing this sort of thing.


I personally use winrar for all my decompression needs. Rar files are used to compress and transport entire albums that are usually already in mp3/ogg/flac formats. In fact any form of software is transported in this way on p2p forums.
So you need to unrar just one of the files and the others will be automatically decompressed. Just make sure you know where they are being unrared too! It's annoying to have decompressed the file and then be unable to find it.
Re: un-raring

Rar files are used to compress and transport entire albums that are usually already in mp3/ogg/flac formats.

Note that it is largely pointless in compressing files that have already been compressed (as is the case with MP3 and other compressed digital audio formats) as the resulting archive will generally be, at best, only marginally smaller or, at worst, possibly even bigger(!), than the original file sizes. If you want to bundle files into an archive for easier transportation then it might make more sense to use a non compressing archive file format (e.g. tar or something similar).