Question regarding statement of welfare received.


Registered User
Finally came in the post yeasteday along with the means statement. One major question i have is with regard to how many children he has. The part where we list our children of our marriage clearly states their names ages etc. However, the next section basically asking if he has any others and to list them just has the number 1 at the start and no details or anything else.

So i figure it's one of two things, he has 1 he doesnt list the details or he has none so didint fill in that part.

Question. Is he obliged to list any children from other relationships or is it common practice not to write "none" or just to leave it blank?

Thanks in advance
Re: Question regarding statement of welfare recieved.

Is this Part 2 of a series or something?

Part two of a series? You lost me there i'm afraid.

I initially posted this in the "askaboutlaw" section as this is a court document. I dont see how it relates to welfare or state benefits, maybe a mod can explain that to me.