Public servant retired in May ( Potential 3% pay rise backdated to Feb query)


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Hi i retired from public service, reached compulsory retirement age in June 2022, just wondering if the new public service wage proposal is agreed, ( i notice that it includes a 3% wage rise backdated to 2nd Feb).
I already recieved my gratuity would i be entitled to extra gratuity as my salary would have gone up by 3% if agreed by representative assoc etc, also would i be entitled to back pay of this 3% from feb 22 to my retirement date in June 22
Thanks for any feedback
No it wouldn't. You retired with the be edits as if that day. That doesn't change with each subsequent public sector pay deal.

Would you come back in October 2022 for the extra 1%? And then ag as in in march 2023? Don't be silly.
The press release is pretty vague. It's likely you will get a 3% backdated increase as a pensioner when you retired in June to date.

I doubt you will get anything in backdated pay from February to June or on the lump sum. This would be a minefield to administer.
I think that you will benefit well from the increases.

You have different questions: arrears of pay between February and retirement date; salary for calculation of pension and lump sum; future pension increases in line with increases for your former grade.

I think that the first two are fairly clear-cut.

This is from the Forsa website and covers future increases for pensioners.

How would this affect public service pensioners?

Under public service agreements, increases in public service pay scales are generally reflected in public service pensions that are linked to pay scales. In a response to ICTU president Kevin Callinan’s enquiry on this issue, the PSC has received written confirmation from the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform that, if accepted, the current pensions increase policy – of maintaining parity between the pay of serving staff and pensions – will be extended for the duration of the new pay agreement.

The union has now received confirmation from the Minister that the current pensions increase policy, of maintaining parity between the pay of serving staff and pensions, will be extended for the duration of the new pay agreement.

So good news there for you; Your pension will be increased by the 1% in October and the increase in March 2023.

As you were still in employment on 2 February I expect your lump sum and pension on your retirement date will be revised and based on your revised salary effective from 2 February. Your HR will confirm that but it’s very likely. These retrospective increases were quite common in previous eras in the public sector.

You will also qualify for arrears of salary between February and retirement date.
I think that you will benefit well from the increases.

You have different questions: arrears of pay between February and retirement date; salary for calculation of pension and lump sum; future pension increases in line with increases for your former grade.

I think that the first two are fairly clear-cut.

This is from the Forsa website and covers future increases for pensioners.

How would this affect public service pensioners?

Under public service agreements, increases in public service pay scales are generally reflected in public service pensions that are linked to pay scales. In a response to ICTU president Kevin Callinan’s enquiry on this issue, the PSC has received written confirmation from the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform that, if accepted, the current pensions increase policy – of maintaining parity between the pay of serving staff and pensions – will be extended for the duration of the new pay agreement.

The union has now received confirmation from the Minister that the current pensions increase policy, of maintaining parity between the pay of serving staff and pensions, will be extended for the duration of the new pay agreement.

So good news there for you; Your pension will be increased by the 1% in October and the increase in March 2023.

As you were still in employment on 2 February I expect your lump sum and pension on your retirement date will be revised and based on your revised salary effective from 2 February. Your HR will confirm that but it’s very likely. These retrospective increases were quite common in previous eras in the public sector.

You will also qualify for arrears of salary between February and retirement date.
Thank you Tuscany, yes i feel you are right, because i know it is stated that public servants that retire within 3 months of a wage rise in an agreement would have this new calculation included as part of their final salary, so i would assume that if a wage rise was backdated to feb and i havent retired till June i should be entitled to benefit, i have sent an email to public services pensions asking my initial question, awaiting a reply
No it wouldn't. You retired with the be edits as if that day. That doesn't change with each subsequent public sector pay deal.
Do you know this, or just think this? It seems sort of reasonable to assume that if backpay is due to reflect an increase that technically applies to Feb 2022, that the lump sum would have to be recalculated? Retirement lump sum is calculated by reference to pensionable salary yes? So why would they not have to do this?
Pensions reply to me was they have to wait direction from dept of public expenditure, got this reply circa 2 weeks ago, now that the deal has been accepted, i will leave until i see increased payscales etc and present employees have got their back money etc, so probably talking end of Nov before that happens, will follow from then if no correspondence