Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come from?

Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Sorry Purple, but I will take pleasure in some public sector people having their pay cut especially teachers and the highly paid adminers. Sorry about that !
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Sorry Purple, but I will take pleasure in some public sector people having their pay cut especially teachers and the highly paid adminers. Sorry about that !

Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I was not 'moaning' that I can't afford my mortgage, I was pointing out that Cork is not typical of the average public servant in that he can afford to avail of a shorter working year. This has been verified as he has stated he has no car, mortgage, house or loans and realises he is an exception. It is important to get this point across as some private sector workers are very quick to take one example and say 'well I know a public servant and he can afford this and that, takes all his sick leave, fiddles his flexi' and on and on. It gets very very annoying.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Sorry Purple, but I will take pleasure in some public sector people having their pay cut especially teachers and the highly paid adminers. Sorry about that !
This is of course why the Govt pulled back on the unpaid leave proposal. Regardless of the financial savings, it didn't meet the 'pound of flesh'/visible pain criteria for IBEC and others.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

This is of course why the Govt pulled back on the unpaid leave proposal. Regardless of the financial savings, it didn't meet the 'pound of flesh'/visible pain criteria for IBEC and others.
Could'nt agree more.
A lot of people don't seem to appreciate either that the unions will now refuse to negotiate on any aspect of reform including redeployment , job cuts , overtime rates , extension of the teacher's working week etc.
Not to mention the question of strikes which now seem inevitable.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

So basically, they didn't get their own way for the first time in years and so therefore will throw a tantrum and sulk.
Very mature behaviour. But then, what else do we expect?
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

So basically, they didn't get their own way for the first time in years and so therefore will throw a tantrum and sulk.
Very mature behaviour. But then, what else do we expect?
One of any Unions main aims is to protect the terms and conditions of it's members.
Given the prevailing situation it makes absolute sense not to negotiate on reform unless the Government offer a quid pro quo.
Also the threat of strikes is a valid industrial action tool , you may not like it but such are the current realities.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Its a bit ironic really as under the unions proposal it was shaping up that I'd have a bigger cut in gross pay in 2010 under their scheme, than what Cowan seemed to be suggesting last night on the news!

With Noel Grealish pulling his support for the Government and the toughest budget in decades to be delivered, the pressure is really going to start to pile up from now on. He obviously has doubts about how long the present coalition will last. So it could be "show time" at the slightest hiccup now.

It wouldn't be unreasonable to presume that any public and civil servants who voted for FF in the last election will abandon them in droves the next time round, with the majority I suspect heading for Labour?

Obviously this will make AAM's right wing cadre of resident posters really happy I don't think
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Its a bit ironic really as under the unions proposal it was shaping up that I'd have a bigger cut in gross pay in 2010 under their scheme, than what Cowan seemed to be suggesting last night on the news!
Strange that. I take it you are at the lower end of the PS pay scale?
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Strange that. I take it you are at the lower end of the PS pay scale?

I thought Cowan mentioned a flat paycut (5% ish) across the board, while the unions were suggesting a minimal cut on the lower side and a largish one (7% ish) on the higher side.

Maybe I have misunderstood things?
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I'm going to make the bold prediction that there won't be any more major strikes after the budget. Members don't have the stomach for it.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Can someone clarify how many private sector jobs have been lost and how many off these were construction related? Then off the remaining private sector the average pay cut(again exc construction)? Please reference.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I'm going to make the bold prediction that there won't be any more major strikes after the budget. Members don't have the stomach for it.

I think you underestimate the extreme anger of the public service.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Plus the "yes" (84%) vote for the strike was far bigger then the "No" vote.

In many ways the Unions are far more democratic than our govt they require a 66% "Yes" vote to give the go ahead for a strike and of the total number of voters must be at least 2/3 of the total number of members.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I think you underestimate the extreme anger of the public service.

Its a done deal. Pay will be cut. The unions have failed in meeting their objectives. I think members will come to their senses in the new year and just get on with it.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Its a done deal. Pay will be cut. The unions have failed in meeting their objectives. I think members will come to their senses in the new year and just get on with it.
Obviously the Unions will wait until they see the details in the budget before considering what action they should take,obviously they will be driven by the reaction of their members many of whom are extremely angry at the moment.
Who knows what is going to happen ?
However one thing is certain and that is we have seen the end of any negotiated public sector reform for the foreseeable future.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Well if the PS won't reform, and there's no room for negotiation, it will be more pay cuts next year. They leave the government no choice.

Choose your poison.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I think members will come to their senses in the new year and just get on with it.

A bit "lie back and think of Ireland".

The thing everyone keeps on forgetting is that it is the govt that has failed.

Where has all the dosh from the last ten years gone?

Wasted on FF ventures.

And now FF want public servants to pay for the failure.

Well if the PS won't reform, and there's no room for negotiation, it will be more pay cuts next year. They leave the government no choice.

Choose your poison.

The reason there is no room for movement is because of the choices FF have taken over the last 2 years (and of course the fools who voted them in).

If you have pay cuts how can the Public service workers know they will be fair cuts, for me I believe if there were to be cuts they should be top heavy, say at the top end 50% down to 0% at the bottom end.

My poison is to have an election.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I think you underestimate the extreme anger of the public service.

Yes, and I think the Public servants underestimate the extreme anger of the public.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Well if the PS won't reform, and there's no room for negotiation, it will be more pay cuts next year. They leave the government no choice.

Choose your poison.
They can only go to that well so often.
Any further pay cuts will surely see widespread industrial action allied to what is surely going to become a more and more demotivated Public Sector workforce with a consequential rise in sick leave , a fall in the level of services and in the case of teachers a refusal to involve themselves in extra curricular activities in particular in the sporting arena , I also fear that parent teacher meetings will only be held during school hours.
Next year I think that we are going to see a total reform of our taxation system and we are all going to experience a futher sharing of pain.
Equally I think that the current Government will not be around to deliver the next budget.