PTSB Customer Service....Dreadful.

"Ireland is home to some of the best financial institutions in the world."... Errm
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Errm again
After you opened the account did you get a letter in the post to show opening balance as "nil", followed two weeks later by a further letter/statement showing the actual opening balance.

This was promised to me but I have received nothing.

I was promised exactly the same suite of letters. It will be interesting to see what turns up.

By way of an update:

20/11/23 visited PTSB branch and opened 3 year fixed term a/c and left with IBAN and BIC confirmed
21/11/23 and 22/11/23 Funds deposited by EFT
27/11/23 received letter dated 21/11/23 confirming account details and zero balance
08/12/23 received letter dated 05/12/23 showing account details, updated balance and interest projection

So in my case they sent the letters in line with the promise made at the time of opening the account
OP Update.

Finally received a phone call from a person in their customer complaints department......following two letters that kicked my complaint to touch each time. Problem only being investigated now despite being told that it was receiving their attention back in mid November.

The phone call was me basically telling the person what my complaint was.

Something new that I discovered during the phone call was that when I opened the account in the wasn't actually opened at all. My documentation was sent to their head office first for checking. Also the cheque that I handed over on the day to open the account was not actually lodged to my account....even though I received a dated receipt. I was told that my cheque was held in their safe for two days?

I didn't think that financial institutions were allowed to do understanding is that it should have been lodged to either my account or an internal sundry account pending...
I was told that my cheque was held in their safe for two days?
Definitely not allowed. Back in the day we had to process all cheques by the end of day business. The auditors would have been all over us like a rash if they discovered any cheques not processed on the day.
A transfer from PTSB is stuck in pending elsewhere. PTSB fraud is now claiming they can’t do anything as it was received at the other end and no longer their issue. But it wasn’t received, it’s pending! I kept pushing them and now all of a sudden they can attempt a recall of funds in 20 days. Based on various threads I’ve seen on here regarding PTSB and missing transfers, I’m about to switch banks. Super scummy.
Back in the day we had to process all cheques by the end of day business.
The PTSB should be processing cheques as they receive them. If your cheque is sitting in a safe for two days then the clearing of that cheque does not start until it is processed.....and you don't start earning interest until the cheque is cleared.
As Grizzly said above, they should be using some sort of internal account to start the clearing process from the day they receive the cheque.

It would be interesting to know when the PTSB actually starts paying the interest on the account and is the interest backdated due to their inability to open accounts on the day the customer calls to the branch.
OP Update.

Finally received a phone call from a person in their customer complaints department......following two letters that kicked my complaint to touch each time. Problem only being investigated now despite being told that it was receiving their attention back in mid November.
Further Update.

The lady in customer complaints told me on the phone on December 22nd that she would ring the branch where I was having the problem and also listen to the recording of my conversation with a person in customer service in mid November and get back to me that day.

She never got back to me.

It is now the 9th of January and nothing from the person who is supposed to me investigating my complaint.

How do I complain about the complaints department?
They've probably just returned from Christmas Hols, so nothing would've been done since Dec 22.
It is now the 9th of January and nothing from the person who is supposed to me investigating my complaint.

How do I complain about the complaints department?

Well, the Minister for Finance still owns over 57% of the shares of PTSB, so you could consider dropping him a line.
Sounds like little has changed here, over the years... not that any of the three retail banks are great, when it comes to service.
Why would one stay with a bank or finance provider is the customer service is so bad - have you not the power to move ?
Why would one stay with a bank or finance provider is the customer service is so bad - have you not the power to move ?


Numerous foreign banks have entered the Irish market, only to later withdraw, and almost all have recognised the same thing - Irish people typically don't move banks, no matter what the cost to them (poor service, bad interest rates etc). It's crazy stuff, but it's a fact...

If more people did move banks, regularly, and in particular moved their more valuable facilities, the Banks would do more to tackle the issues around service etc.

Talk to anyone in the Banks these days, and they'll all tell you the same things - staff are browned off with rediculous processes, outdated and problatic technology etc. However, the boards of the banks are benefiting from recent loan portfolio purchases (given UB and KBCs exit), along with the spread between what they pay depositors and get from the ECB, and are well aware that Irish customers rarely move, so aren't bothered by operational or customer service issues.
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Numerous foreign banks have entered the Irish market, only to later withdraw, and almost all have recognised the same thing - Irish people typically don't move banks, no matter what the cost to them (poor service, bad interest rates etc). It's crazy stuff, but it's a fact...
If you ask around, you'll find a good few people who are with a bank because they called to their school, gave everyone a moneybox and signed them up to an account. Mainly only the people with Henry Hippo money boxes have moved banks.....