PRSI now being collected via Income Tax return?


Registered User
Am self-employed and for the first time this year my accountant has included PRSI in my Form 11 return for 2009, but as total taxation figure payable (PRSI & income levy & income tax) is the same for preliminary tax basically means that I will be paying preliminary PRSI.

Has something changed in the way PRSI is collected as I usually got a letter from the department outlining how much PRSI I owe. Also don't think it's reasonable to be taking prelim PRSI as well as tax.
Preliminary Tax includes, where applicable, amounts for Tax, PRSI and Levies. It always has. Persons who might, previously, have been making Voluntary Contributions direct to the Dept of S/Protection through not otherwise being liable on F11, when they become liable to PRSI will then, instead, pay via then self-assessment F11.