property in receivership question


Registered User
I've been looking for a house to buy in specific area for quite some time now. Two days ago there popped up a house on daft that would suit me perfectly. This house being sold by receiver.
I contacted the selling agent straight away to tell that I'm interested in it and he told me that he will have the details on Tuesday. Meanwhile, I emailed to receivership company manager and requested some more details on this house. I got a quick replay from receiver that this house "has gone sale agreed".
It seems me strange. I cannot understand how could it be already sale agreed on the second day of the add. Was it sewn sale? Do they advertise properties just to make it seem like "open public sale" when actual sale was done behind the seen? I feel very disappointed and frustrated.
I am very familiar from talking to people in various walks of life that this is happening. Friends of friends of friends etc,. Some time someone will pursue this type of thing from the other side but nothing serious will happen. There are a lot of people involved in the chain that leads to a receivership sale; Bankers, Legals, Accountants & Auctioneers. The cream of society who would not dream of involving themselves in anthing untoward.:mad::rolleyes: