Property Fund Irish Life


Registered User
I have lost 50% of my substantial investment with Irish Life(half my life savings)
I did not transfer or withdraw as I heard anyone withdrawing had to give 6 months notice and could not opt out at the 6 month date.

I cannot understand how this massive drop has happened as all of these investment properties are upward rental incomes on leases. They must have been overvalued at my signing up in Feb 2007.

Can I ask Irish Life for their valuation and if so can I challenge it?

I have heard of people getting their money back but don't know how?

First thing is when did you invest in the Fund. What did the sales person who advised you tell you about the product ? Have you received the recent accounts ? If after assessing the information and you are convinced that you have been incorrectly advised or mis-sold a financial productwrite to the company detailing your complaint and ask them to send you a letter of Final Response. It is only when you have this you can bring the matter to the Financial Services Ombudsman.