problems with internal insulation


Registered User
I've seen all the threads listing the possible problems with internal insulation (mould!). But has anyone experience of doing a renovation job and things goign wrong with internal insulation?
I'm deciding on a builder at the weekend to do internal insulation on a 2nd hand home. I've asked him can he do all the details needed to prevent condensation and mould (that can be done within reason) and he said "ofcourse". I asked for references but they are all in the last 2 - 4 years so might not be long enough to see the problem.
My question is 1) are there too many details/potential problems for internal insulation to be done without having to stand over the job myself (cant do this) 2) does anyone have any major watch outs to suggest?
Sorry if this is repeating other information.
what a very weird build-up....

Thanks, thats much better than I ever imagined ( shame about the rusted steel single glazed windows ! )

Its a one off house built in the late 40's. The polystyrene beads were pumped in at some stage in the 80s.

I wonder if the description '...9" solid block on edge...' is wrong ?

Its a block which when layed measures 18" long, 9" high, and a few inches front to back if that makes things any clearer

A really weird buildup is the roof :

Rafters, Chicken wire tacked on top, fiberglass on chicken wire, felt on fiberglass , concrete roof tiles.

Yes, the fiberglass is very squashed

I guess the gap between the rafters and lots of draughts ensures no condensation !

This is on a "one and a half" dormer.

Shouldnt the U value of this be very poor ?

Experience on frosty days shows frost stays on north side of roof all day ( except around dormers ). Beats me whats going on - what do you think ?
