Private Pension & Social Housing List / HAP application


New Member
HI everyone

New to the AAM forum and seeking advice as a newly (legally) separated parent.

Am in my 50s, living in Private Rented accommdation, with 2 school going children, watching any hope of owning a home of my home dissipate.

Judicial Separation has ruled my Ex to financially provide what is the equivalent of half the monthly rent.

Even with this maintenance, I am not covering our monthly costs (quite frugal lifestyle) and I have relied each month for last 2 years on my savings (which were for a house deposit).

I am over the household NET income threshold for acquiring any housing assistance as in Thread title above.
(My application 2023 was refused on this basis)
I simply cannot afford to reduce my employment hours any further, as am already struggling on what I earn.

My question is

**Would increasing my monthly PRSA* contributions be a legitimate way of of decreasing my net income with regards to Social Housing List / HAP application?**

*I only started a PRSA 18 months ago when I left my marriage, so very little in it.

I feel I am between a rock and a very hard place currently,

Any Advice would be appreciated.

Thank you

Just sharing for anyone who finds themselves also seeking clarification on the welfare income assessments / means testing for Social Housing applications etc -

Welfare consider your assessable income as your net salary after PRSI, PAYE & USC deductions only.
and before Private or Public Sector Pension contributions at source are deducted.
Child maintenance payments will be removed from the means test on May 1st, for some social welfare payments.
Hopefully that will help you, as a lone parent.
It would be worth checking with the Local Authority, to see if the child maintenance payments will be removed from the HAP means test, in line with social welfare payments.