prioritising when selecting a property investiment


Registered User
if i could just lay out my situation

i made quite a bit of money investing in equities since 2010 which was very welcome as i lost money on an overseas property investment from 2005 - 2009 , i was able to offset the losses against CGT so my net outcome was pretty favourable

i have 190 k in cash having liquidated a share portfolio fairly recently , i have a farm i inherited from a relative which i have leased out under a very favourable tax free system

my income itself is relatively modest however , no more than 35 k per anum

ive been looking to increase my income and while i actually prefer equities as an asset class , i feel gains in the next five years will be much more modest , i think equities are expensive by any historic measure ( granted im not an expert )

i thought about using cash only to buy a commecial ( only interested in commercial property ) property ( sitting tenants only ) and 10% is easily doable provided you dont buy in either dublin or galway , however , from attending various auctions and following the market in general , it appears to me that their are too many buyers chasing properties under 200 k , if you go as far as around 250 k and over , you can select far superior locations in major towns and also limerick ( which is way behind the other main cities in terms of property prices still )

however , if you were to simply buy in smaller urban areas like athlone , ennis , tullamore or naas , yields of 20% are achievable on properties under 150 k

the questions im asking myself are , should yield or location be the most important deciding factor when it comes to choosing a property and is it always best to partner with the bank regardless of what or where i buy ( most i can get from the bank is 80 k and at a rate of 5.74 % )

i instinctively like the idea of owning a property in the likes of a large urban area like limerick ( which is still far far behind the likes of galway for buying anything despite being a larger city ) as you would be less likely to be stuck with it down the line if you needed - wanted to sell but at the same time , a very decent income play is available for modest money ( no loans required ) in countless towns with a population of between ten and twenty thirty thousand people , beit navan , athlone , kilkenny , tullamore , ennis , drogheda etc

i guess what im saying is , is location the number one priority long term ?