principal choices that need to be made when taking out a pen



In recent times i have begun thinking of investing in a pension. I am in my late twenties and now that my mortage is under control i feel the time is right.
My question is; What are the principal choices i need to make when considering a pension?
Re: principal choices that need to be made when taking out a

What are the principal choices i need to make when considering a pension?
Here are a few...
<!--EZCODE LIST START--><ul><li>What is your target retirement income/lump sum? This, and your current earnings, will influence how much you need to put away.</li><li>What sort of service do you need? For example, execution only or full service advisory service?</li><li>What are the charges?</li><li>What funds are available and which are most appropriate to your needs? In most cases somebody with a few decades to go to retirement should probably be mainly or wholly invested in equities but it also depends on one's specific circumstances, attitude to risk/volatility etc.</li><li>What options are open to you? PRSA? Occupational pension scheme? Personal pension fund? etc.</li></ul><!--EZCODE LIST END-->
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