Price of the pint....


Registered User
from todays Indo, Diageo are putting the pint up by 5c after VAT. As publicans did'nt follow suit last June on the last price rise from Diageo, they are now expected to do so....
The Indo reckons the price could go up between Lager in a lot of Dublin city centre pubs will be over €5.

I was talking about this here in work and a few colleagues reckon this could be the breaking point...having to hand in more than a fiver/tenner for 1/2 pints. I'm inclined to agree. At least it would make me think more about the cost of a night out.

Can anyone remember the average price of a pint in Dublin on 31/12/01, pre the introduction of the euro???? It would be interesting to compare prices to now....or even to 31/12/99 around the time of the millenium.
You'll have to change to a pint of Beamish so .... AFAIK about €3.80 in Cork!
The last two weekends I had a few pints of Beamish for c. €3.20-€3.30 each (Pedigree/Quarry and Martin's in Finglas).
Delboy said: Lager in a lot of Dublin city centre pubs will be over €5.

Time for ye guys to exit the Pale ....I'm still getting me pint a bud. for €3.70 down here in the sticks ...yummy :D
got a pint of beamish in a pub in parnell street ( where the Matthews coaches stop) for under €3 a few months ago. fine pint too.
and i can get a pint in kimmage for 3.30!!!

But back to my original post....anyone out there remember the prices from 99/2001 for a pint in dublin city centre or anywhere you can go to find out
24 bottles 25cl Fink Br'a`u from Lidl was €9.99 (Now it's €10.99)

You also get to enjoy them from the comforts of your own home.
ClubMan said:

Interesting Clubman and according to the info. a pint was about £1.07 in 1983. I always reckoned we were getting a bargain in UCD in '83 when they were only charging 77p for a pint - I remember it well as you would have change out of a quid for a game of pool which at the time was 20 p :D . Ah les bon vieux temps de jadis.
From todays Sunday Indo

"Pint of plain 'in free fall' as pubs lose pulling power


DESPERATE efforts by Diageo to stem the plummeting sales of the iconic national drink, Guinness, have failed, new figures obtained by the Sunday Independent reveal......

Off-licence sales jumped nearly 18 per cent last year, while Guinness grew at less than half of that rate, limping ahead by just 7.7 per cent.

Between sales at pubs and off-licences, Guinness saw its overall figures slump by an extraordinary 6.3 per cent, .........continuing falls from the previous year.....

Beamish.... increased its sales by over 3 per cent last year. "

I really love seeing virtual monolopies, arrogantly ignoring their customers protests, increasing their prices in order to increase profits, and then getting getting hammered as they allow competitors to build market share at their expense. All the more enjoyable and prolonging the pleasure, is seeing the length of time that it takes before the penny finally drops, and the company eventually starts reluctantly to read the writing on the wall.

GUINNESS WAKEY WAKEY!!! You have priced yourself out of the market. Consumers are voting with their feet and with their wallets. The only possible thing you can do is to cut your prices immediately before you lose even more market share.

Now panic is seetting in, we can expect more special offers, guinness poker nights, more discounts for publicans, more sponsorship etc. I love it. but in the end I predict that Guinness will be charging less in a years time that they are at present.

The dayss when the only choice was Guinness, Smithwicks or Harp are long gone.

£ 2 40 a pint in the north £1 90 for a whiskey bushmills
Was only discussing this with my mates last night...right before the Euro changeover we were in the Left Bank in Temple Bar. We got three pints of Heineken for IR£10.05 and remember that being the most expensive we'd ever seen.
That's €12.75.

3 pints of Heineken in Cafe en Seine...€18.

Argentinian inflation
when you can buy 24 cans of guinness at Chriatmas for under €36 but during the rest of the year its over €42 then you know you are being taken for a ride. also pubs are definitely milking the price of lager in pubs. in most off licences you can usually pick carlsberg/bud/harp/heineken etc for the same price as guinness. but not when it comes to pints in pubs. obvioulsy the younger crew drink more lager than guinness/beamish so in my opinion anyway the pubs stick on a extra few cent ( anything from 25 to 50) for a pint of lager.
pint of guinness in mcswiggans in galway last week was €3.60. which I thought was good. pint was excellent too.
The dayss when the only choice was Guinness, Smithwicks or Harp are long gone.

Indeed. I much prefer to go to the off-licence and get interesting beer, that actually tastes of something.
Hi , A couple of years ago, I tried Beamish to save on the price as against guinness and was found it a little sweet ,so went back on Guinness. Also was offered FREE a glass of Guinness Light from my then local barman and even being free did not make it taste any better. By the way, with all the talk of drink and driving, how come the publicans wont reduce the price of minerals. It nearly chokes me to pay over 4 euro for pint of orange as it is nearly the same price as my lovely pint of Guinnes :( .The price of drink would drive you to drink:D
Never mind the pricing, it is the smell of a flatulent Guinness drinker, which the smell of smoking used to cover, which is causing people to drink it less.

Reminds me of the smells that used to come from the Liffey years ago...