Price of Plumber


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Hello all

Does 400 euro for a days work for a plumber (not including parts) seem excessive
Planning to move two radiators
Price quoted is for labour only
Thanks in advance
I had 2 new rads put in last year, rads balanced and system flushed. Price for labour/materials was €800 and that was the cheapest quote too.

I'd expect €400 to cover your entire job. Expensive but tradesmen are back to naming whatever price they feel they'll get away with. The crash was short-lived!
Thanks - did your 800 include the rads? I've been quoted 540 for labour and parts not including the radiators - thanks again
it seems hugely excessive. At that rate he would be earning 2k a week and will be retiring by the time he is 40. My plumber did some horrible jobs for me last year and didn't charge anything close to that.
It' hard to say. how far is he moving them are all floors dug up for him and ready for laying down pipes you have to understand that out of that 400 he has to pay for a van, insurance,public libilty, tools, tax .
If he comes highly recommended and is a good plumber he might be well worth the €400 - tried and tested.

Many moons ago myself and some family members used a neighbour who was a plumber. He criticised everyone else's work that he came across in our houses but in one situation the relative woke during the night to find water flowing from the light switches and light fittings in the ceiling caused by his botched job. Our dishwasher connection leaked also after his work luckily while we were in the house so it was caught early. Taught me a lesson about sometimes cheaper is not best.
Did you get an invoice? Did you pay in cash?

€400 is a huge amount for a few hours work. Its not really justifiable to say he has to pay for a van, insurance etc, you would need to break down that per day etc and the cost would then be miniscule versus €400 into his hand for a few hours of work. By that logic he would be a millionaire!

In my experience tradesmen charge what they like and sometimes dont even issue a receipt/invoice. I paid a plumber €200 cash recently for 2 hours work re heating system, he used 1 small part to fit onto a pipe. Im still waiting on an invoice/receipt from him.

€200 cash in hand for a bout 2 hours work would require earning €400 gross which is approx a salary of €1600 per day (8 hours) or about €8000 per week gross or €416,000 per annum gross. Am i missing something?
Not a plumber here but I know what it's like to be a small sole trader doing work for the public, you might have to call a few times ,buy a few small bits and piecs and best part of working day is in the morning, yes job might only take a few hours but the working day is gone A good trades person is worth paying in my opinion.
Hello all

Does 400 euro for a days work for a plumber (not including parts) seem excessive
Planning to move two radiators
Price quoted is for labour only
Thanks in advance


I think you need to give a bit more detail here:

  • Is it a full day's work ?
  • Are there any particularly challenging tasks required, or is there specialist equipment needed that the plumber might not routinely have ?
  • Have you agreed with the plumber what materials are needed and ensured you'll have them (so the plumber won't have to go and get something half way through the job) ?
  • Are you in a remote location, or a long distance away from the plumber ?
  • Is it a cash job, or are you getting a formal quote and receipt ?
The last time I called a plumber he was around the corner on another job. He arrived when he said he would and fixed the problem in 10 minutes (blocked valve). He charges me €15. Unfortunately he emigrated a few years ago.

There are associated costs when running a business so not all of it is actual income but €400 a day is very expensive.
Your are missing the point vandriver.

If a trademan charges cheap rates but works all gods hours he will make x amount - fair play.

If he charges huge rates and works a fraction of the hours and earns the same x amount then thats not fair play.

There are two variables that leads to final earnings - rate charged and amount of work he does (hours). The issue is not with what he earns if he works hard and long hours at a reasonable rate. The issue is if he charges huge amounts and doesnt work very hard long hours. Hopefully that makes sense.
Hello all

Does 400 euro for a days work for a plumber (not including parts) seem excessive
Planning to move two radiators
Price quoted is for labour only
Thanks in advance

It seems a bit high to me.

Not because of his van costs, or the quality of his work or because plumbers should or should not be millionaires, just because I think you could probably get it cheaper, from a reputable plumber, if you shopped around.

I am not based in central Dublin where I expect it might be more expensive than in my area.

  • Have you agreed with the plumber what materials are needed and ensured you'll have them (so the plumber won't have to go and get something half way through the job) ?

That is a very good point.
My sister had a short piece of her intestine cut away (under anesthetic) a few months back. The surgeons charge/fee for this was €490 and it took just over 30 mins until she was back in the ward. Now, the surgeon was an expert in what he did but so was the plumber. I'll guarantee there will be no chit chat for what the surgeon charged. We won't get into the charge per hr for solicitors, etc, that wouldn't be right. Would it?

Yes ... but if the plumber makes a mistake it shouldn't kill you!