Power of Attorney & Online Banking


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I have Enduring Power of Attorney for my elderly mother who suffers from Alzeimhers and is in a Nursing Home.
I can sign cheques, make deposits/withdrawals, etc from her bank which is about 30 miles away.

It would be handy to have access to online banking but Banking365 (BOI) are refusing, saying that they only allow this for the account holder.

I am wondering if this is correct, as I thought the EPA would allow me to act in such a capacity for her.
Have you registered the Enduring Power of Attorney? If yes, I think they are wrong. But it can be more trouble than its worth to fight with them.

There is a very simple solution. Open a new account in your own name and transfer all the funds into it.

There is no banking legislation by which you can compel the bank to provide online service to you. You must convince them of the reasonableness of your case. Have they provided other electronic banking services to you e.g. debit or credit cards?

mfi is right, the simple solution which he proposes is probably the best one, particularly in the circumstances where it might be required in the long term.
Yes - the Enduring Power of Attorney is registered in the High Court. Might be the best solution to go into the bank and open a joint account. Could fight them - but it would be more hassle. Thanks for the advice.
In law you are acting for the account holder. Tell the Bank of Ireland to give you refusal in writing.