Potential tenant has asked me to fill in Rent allowance form


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Potential tenant has asked me to fill in Rent allowance form. While I have no problem in filling this in I explained that if I get another tenant in the meantime I will need to let them know.

Potential tenant was "pretty sure" that once the form is signed the rent allowance is theirs but I read on previous posts above that this is not the case.

Does anyone have any experience of this, from how long it takes for the tenant to get the cheque through. I dont want to guarantee them the property if they fail to get the approval for rent allowance...and I am left stuck with no tenant.

Any advice?
Hi Tweety76,

I have a couple staying in a house i own at the minute and when i signed their form for them there was no problem whatsoever. By the time the months rent had come round they had their money and are perfect every month for it. I know it doesn't tell you a whole lot but toch wood i'v had no problem.
Thanks Packard, I have had tenants before on Rent supp. but this time its different as its a potential tenant and dont want to commit to giving them the house if they dont get approved!
my experience as compared to packards was the opposite, CWO in area Dublin 10 is overrun with applications for RA and waiting time is c7 weeks, close on two months without rent can lead to a lot of problems, in my case tenants did a bunk, got two months rent free plus RA as it went to them directly, also my understanding was that the person applying for the RA had to be in the property already as a tenant? but open to correction
Thanks for all the info, just as an update on this I rang citizens information bureau, they told me that once approved cheques are normally issued within one week. I am not in Dublin BTW but in Meath.