Post your most controversial opinion!

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Registered User
Go ahead, post what you want, even if it is against the grain or maybe you'd be reluctant to say it down the pub.
Probably best if you post your own before knocking everyone else's, I wouldn't like to see the thread descend into that

  • I see the global warming debate disappearing the same way as the hysteria over the ozone layer in the 1990's.
  • Pat Kenny is extremely talented and deserves to be the highest paid person at RTE.

Any of your own? :)
- I think that gay couples should not be allowed to adopt children.
- I think that we should block any more immigration into this country
What this country needs is for people from the public sector to go on secondment to the private sector to bring some much-needed entrepreneurial vision and risk acceptance.
I don't find Nell McCafferty to be that attractive.

U2 haven't done a decent album since 1987.
I have no sympathy for people who bought too much, too expensive, too big, during the boom years, who now blame everyone else and expect the state to bail them out.

I do not think the state should pay to teach school children how to speak English as a second language
A P60 should be issued to all receiving social welfare payments (ex. pensioners) to include JSA/ JB, medical benefits, child benefits, school allowences, rent allowence, HSE payments and any other welfare benefits.

This is to show the reality of welfare payments and receipients should be taxed at normal rates.
What! Opinion!......... unable to confine it to just one.....

- criminals need to be put on chain gang work cleaning up the countryside, sweeping streets etc. We are paying to have them in prison so might as well have them doing something. Same goes to smaller guilty verdicts where the prisons are to full that they need to do mandatory community service.

- tougher policy on immigration - the flood gates are wide open and those unable to get work are loading an already burdened welfare system. If you arrive here without work you can get a medical card pretty much straight away!

- we need to stop paying child benefits to immigrants who's children are still back in their country of birth.

- tougher policy on 'travellers' who contribute nothing to society - example littering the place, horses running wild on the road & in public play grounds.

- significantly reduce the number of TD's

- stop providing TD's wth pensions for each of the posts that they held through their 'political career'..... jeez make me want to throw up.

- how about this for a really mad idea....... lets not have politicians claiming expenses for coming to work! Hey I don't get expenses for going to work - do you?
In the words of Kanye West... We want Prenup!!

Whats mine before marriage should be mine after!!
i have no sympathy for people who bought too much, too expensive, too big, during the boom years, who now blame everyone else and expect the state to bail them out.

I do not think the state should pay to teach school children how to speak english as a second language

When you're dead you are just that...dead. There is no 'happily-ever-after' with some geezer called 'God'.
Permanent chemical castration should be a compulsory part of every convicted child abuser's sentence.

Chronic drug abusers should be sterilised. Every day I pass by the Liffey boardwalk and see young babies sitting in their buggies while their ma's who are strung out ignore them. It breaks my heart.

You ought to have a license to have a child. Only those who have a genuine interest in being a parent should be allowed to be a parent ( maybe this one's a step too far in terms of 'civil liberties'!!))
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