Possible Higher USC ramifications


Registered User

There are some soundings in the press about raising USC for those over 100k per year. If it happens or not is another thing, but I have a question in relation to it and was wondering what people think;

If a married couple are both working on the Higher income tax brackets and are jointly assessed, e.g. both earn >50k each .... I take it they will be hit with this new charge if it comes to fruition as the income is seen as 'one' income

Hence, should this married couple apply for separate assessment so as to avoid this ?

Self employed individuals with over €100k income already pay an additional 3% USC (bringing their marginal rate to 55% or 60% if they are caught by the surcharge for using certain property reliefs). The USC is applied individually, regardless of whether a couple are jointly assessed or not so a couple where both spouses were earning €60k each would not be caught by this.