Possible drug dealer moving in our nice quiet estate

What kind of say does the Landlord have I wonder if the council are leasing it off them? It certainly would be something we will try if its feasible.

Re buying the house I actually had that thought. I would certainly be in but obviously I have no idea would enough others, but there is a strong feeling amongst a majority of us I have to say.

Thanks we are trying to fight back as you can tell. You've also touched on something else that's a concern to us. There are a few rental houses with decent families in them adjacent to the council one. However when they move out what standard of person will we get to move into the rental property if there is a dealer awaiting as a next door neighbour. I don't think I need to answer that.

I didn't want to call some posters naïve but couldn't have put it better myself thanks. If you live in a rural area you'll understand the above.
We had a fairly smalltime drug dealer living very near us. He was a good neighbour and was responsible for all the ASBO behaviour suddenly evaporating. Since he sold out the creepy young ASBO merchants are back.

We don't have any ASBO and are trying to keep it like that. A dealer moving in won't fix any non-existent problems only cause them.
If this family are convicted drug dealers then can you not go to gardai or landlord with your concern? If they arent convicted criminals but you have a good hunch or indeed evidence that they are criminals why not speak to them to make your concern known and/or go to gardai/landlord? In particular go to gardai/landlord if they intimidate you.
I wouldn't advise that
While overall I understand your concerns, as I would not be too happy if there was criminal activity going on in my neighbourhood, the way you speak about other human beings is disgraceful. Just to summarise, you have called other people's kids s***bags (in the context of being worried about your own kids being bullied, the irony!), have decided that that family is "low grade" and that there are "other areas" (i.e.where you don't pay 250k for a house) that this family are more suited to. So there are different areas where different "grades" of people are suited to? What kind of totalitarian mindset is this? You are also suggesting that they should be garda vetted before they are allowed to move in to your estate. Have you been garda vetted yourself before you were allowed to move into your nice neighbourhood? Have you had your neighbours asses whether you might be "low grade"? Have they checked in case, god forbid, there are any travellers in your family? You mention that, in addition to having a criminal record, they have links to local travellers via marriage as if this was an extra proof of their criminal activity. Do you not realise that stereotyping an entire community is wrong? Do you not know that membership of the traveller community is actually one of the legally protected grounds of equality and making discriminatory statements could be a criminal offence? Don't get my wrong, as I said at the beginning, I do not condone criminal activity and if there is any evidence of criminal activity on the part of this family, I sincerely hope that they are brought to justice, but speaking about other people with such superiority, people that you don't actually know that much about (other than hearsay) is plain wrong and reflects badly on you.
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Is there a Sinn Fein politician in your area or a co councillor? A relative of mine found themselves in a similar position to you and that particular party got it dealt with. I am not a member, nor do I support the party, but they deal with drug dealers in a way that solves issues like you might have. I've never heard people or guards, etc, complaining about how the problem was solved, but solved it was.
Very well said dagny juel and to be honest you have articulated my exact thoughts on the matter a lot better than i had. Similar to what you have said, i appreciate the op's concern but by god you cannot speak like that about other people unless you have hard facts. The op comes across as a pompous superior snob which i suspect in fairness to him he is not and rather he is undertsandably looking out for his families interests. However the op should reflect on his comments.
Lifes a bitch !

We can,t control who our neighbours will end up being.
All you can do is stay friendly until something blows .
I ain,t too comfortable with (fight back while you can) .
Would you be a Trump supporter .(couldn,t resist , sorry)
I just dont understand your misgiving here.

Having said all of that i do appreciate your position. If it were me and my family and a convicted drug dealer moved next door and began dealing drugs then i would not be happy and would certainly take action.

Bit of a contradiction there Jim.

At this stage your posts appear to be bordering on trolling.

Ok if its happening to someone else but you would take action if it affected you and yours.

Like all experiences in life its only when you personally have had to deal with them can anyone comment knowledgeably. Nobody knows how much this type of stuff affects family life until they have experienced it first hand. 14 years of living next door to a rented house with anti-social behaviour makes me understand exactly where the OP is coming from.

A little bit of sympathy would go a long way instead of adding to his already high stress level.
Sue ellen im not trolling here and i dont know why you would think i am. If you can tell me how to prove i am not trolling i will be happy to do so.

You are missing my point completely and i dont have the time or energy to be getting into some sort of an exchange here. My point on this was articulated best above by dagny jeul and after that im done with this debate. In a nutshell my point stands which is you cant go around picking and choosing who your neighbours are. Be nice to people and they will likely be nice back. The op in his 1st post sounded to me like he was having a moan which he is entitled to do but it galled me that he could take such a view and stance in relation to possible neighbours without having any hard facts. Dont call me a troller please and for a moderator im a bit surprised by your silly accusation. As i said i would be more than happy to prove to you that i am not a moderator if you want to let me know how. I can pm you my number if you want to call me but frankly i have better things to be doing as i am sure you have.

By the way how would you know if i have or havent had to deal with this kind of scenario and what difference does it make whether i tell you if i have or havent - thats just words. But for your info i have had to deal with this believe it or not. I didnt want to bring that into it because anyone can claim anything on a forum like this.

Take note of an importnat point here - The op has not had to deal with and unsavoury scenario but rather he is just fearing having to. Big big difference.

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Sue Ellen,

I think poster has no option but to wait , maybe new tenant will be grand , but if new tenant moves in and is confronted with disapproval by neighbours , then it surely will be self fulfilling trouble?

Sounds like you had 14 years of trouble , but neighbours are like family = you don,t pick them, so live and watch and then judge ,is better than judge now and force self-fulfilling hassle, which I think the poster is locking into out of understandable fear..

I am inclined to run more with Jims (albeit hard voiced) comments .
Indeed Jim I have more to do with my time rather than either ringing you or proving my view that your posts are bordering on trolling. My view on AAM is that we are all here to help each other with advice rather than cause people further stress than they are already suffering, which is something that I have had to remind people of many times down through the years. I've explained my views above so we'll leave it at that.

If my posts come across as having an air of superiority it's not meant to be so. The residents of our estate trust me are very ordinary people and far from seeing ourselves as superior. We do however know the history of the people in question. Already been moved on from other estates (plural), connected via marriage to a family of travellers who have run amok in a nearby town (I'm not stereotyping) and being known as the local dealer. I'm aware all travellers aren't the same but I know from local knowledge the one's these are connected to have caused huge problems 7 miles over the road and pretty close to Galway.

I didn't call their kids s**mbags. I have sympathy for them in many ways as it's never a childs fault if their Dad happens to be in this mans line of business but the apples won't likely fall too far from the tree, you're a product of your environment etc.

By the by I know and have friends in the estate where they currently live, they live in council houses too and are great people. I have known some of them since I was 5, have played football with them, been to their weddings, remain good friends. I've no problem with anybody from a council house, with travellers (who obey the law), but I do have a problem with people who don't and who might cause issues for my family.
OP, you say the house is privately owned but leased long term to the council? Do you know who the landlord is?

I am a private landlord with a house leased longterm to South Dublin County Council. All potential tenants are Garda vetted prior to being listed for a tenancy. If South Dublin County Council attempted to put a convicted drug dealer (please note I said "convicted") and his family into a property that I was paying a mortgage on, I would initiate proceedings against said council.

Maybe the landlord/owner of the property is completely unaware of what is happening......this should be your first port of call.
I wouldn't advise that

Nor is it a course of action I'd be taking. Drug dealers aren't known for miraculous conversions just because someone turns up on their doorstep and kindly asks them if they wouldn't mind not dealing drugs anymore if at all possible. Even if you ask them nicely and bring cake.

Thanks Diver that's the type of information I was looking for. We thought we knew but seemingly it's a relative of who we thought whom we're trying to track down. What is the criteria when they're vetting do you know? If they have any type of conviction is the council obliged to let you know or is it only certain types etc? Thanks again.