Motor Please help! Burned out car "covered" without valid NCT?

  • Thread starter johny_black
  • Start date


hi guys.

my car was set on fire by vandals last night - basically nothing is left from it. Problem is that my car didnt have "valid nct". I didnt pass nct about 6 weeks ago, didnt get back in 3 weeks, coz I didnt manage to get it all fixed on time. Now I am worried that I won't be covered because of that.
I would really appreciate any info about this issue.

thank you very much
read your policy it will probably say something like your car would not be insured if it was not in a roadworthy state.

Now that is open to interpretation. Does that mean that if it does not have an NCT then its not in a roadworthy condition?
Do insurance companies even care about NCT? Ive never been asked for my NCT cert when renewing my insurance. Does a car automatically become free from faults so long as it has a green piece of paper on windscreen?

I think the "Not roadworthy" part is only comes in if the fault was somehow attributed to the claim. Something like Bald tyres in a collision or lights not working. There is nothing that could have been wrong with your car mechanically that would have caused it to be attacked by vandals!
It shouldn't effect the indemnity on your policy (some insurers seem to place a greater onus on having this than others) but it may effect the amount the insurance company will offer you in a settlement. Only one way to find out I'm afraid & thats to submit the claim.

Best of luck
IMHO I cannot see not having a valid NCT cert. affecting a claim against the fire and theft section of the policy.
not casting aspersions or anything, but there has been an increase in fire claims for cars with no NCT and insurers can treat them very suspiciously as without NCT and without the remedial work being carried out, had the car any value at all? Would it have been possible to see it?