Planning Rules & Regulations


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Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not? My query is about Planning laws in the Kerry area. We have objected to the building (monstrous) of a house near us. We sent a letter to Kerry County Council, i.e the planning enforcement section in May 2007. To date, nothing has been done, these builders are working 6 days a wk, 12hr+ shifts and anytime we contact the (laughable) enforcement section of the council we are told, enforcemnt man at lunch/holidays/short staffed etc. What is our next step? Where does the buck stop? This house & kitchen area of same looks directly into our kitchen/back garden/yard. Not to mention the log cabin that has also been built there..........
From what I understand OP, it’s a bit late to be objecting to planning if planning has already been granted!! The only you could check is to see if they have been granted PP for the log cabin which if its under a certain size doesn’t need planning anyway.

As far as noise is concerned, I am aware that builders need to operate between certain hours legally. As far as I recall, this is from 7 am to 7pm. Thank your lucky stars on that one. When I was living in the IFSC the builders used to work 7 days a week!!

again i am just reitterating Augusts post..... the proper time to object to the development is during the planning process..... and within the first five weeks of that process.....

the only possible way you have of interrupting this persons work is to prove to the enforcement section of the council that they are building something they do not have permission for, or not complying to a condition of planning.....

while im not familar with kerry co co, most councils require a 1.8 - 2.0 meter high boundary be constructed to the rear of dwellings, so while the kitchen may face your kitchen right now, it may not in the ground floor windows are not considered to overlook adjoining properties, only first floor windows....

last thing on this though, you will not be able to get this dwelling removed if it has permission as is......