picked up a bit of freelance work...



I was put on a 3 day week at work. I am entitled to claim for the other 2 days. I managed to pick up a bit of freelance work. Its something I can do from home. Its only a temporary thing that would not necessarily fill up the 2 days. My claim for the 2 days has not been processed yet. They told me it would take 8 weeks - 3 weeks ago. I was thinking not informing SW that I have picked up any work until its processed. and off course not invoicing for my work until then. I also wonder - do I have to register myself formally as a company. Or just keep a record and declare my earnings at the end of the year. I have always been a PAYE worker and lucky enough to never have been on the dole - so excuse my ignorance. Thanks in advance for any advice.
I am on the very same situation, put on 3 days/week work, and been asked to do some services freelance, I'm already getting paid by SW for the 2 days I don't work and not sure what should be doing next.
The freelance work I'll be doing will take me a day every two/three weeks, do I have to register as sole trader?

Thanks for any advice.
I am in a similiar siuation & wondering about when to invoice for freelance work done. ?I have recently been made redundant but have not yet signed on .
I am in the same position, redundant for 4 weeks now but have a chance of some freelance work i can do from home.
10 to 12 hours a week.
The company want to be invoiced for the work at an hourly rate.
I am wondering how the tax and prsi will be paid.
How will it affect my JB