Philips 515S SMS phone - can't text out.



I have just bought a Philips 515S SMS phone. The idea that you could text to your landline is exactly what I wanted.
The only problem is that I cannot test out. I can receive any amounts of texts. Have rang Eircom and Philips numerous of times but no one seems to know what the problem is. I even got the shop to replace the phone with another but no luck. Also tried it in a neighbour’s house to eliminate the phone line but still no joy.

Anyone else have this phone or any SMS phone that is giving problems.
Don't you have to have caller id enabled on a landline to text out? Any chance that's the problem (i.e. it's not enabled)?
You might need to configure the right settings for the SMSC (SMS Centre) through which your messages pass to get to their destination. When you send or receive a text it goes through the SMS centre and not directly from caller to caller.

According to this site:
The fixed network SMS centre numbers are 17409900 (outgoing) and 0818365135 (incoming).

There should be some menu entry on the phone's config which will let you set these numbers.
Thanks for the replies guys.

Clubman, Yes I have caller display. This has been checked and rechecked 3 times by Eircom.

fatherdougalmaguire, the outgoing and incoming numbers are pre programmed into the phone. At this point I am very familiar with them.

The funny thing is, I can text out. The SMS expert at Eircom is lost at what’s happening, especially when I exchanged the phone for another new one.

The only problem is that I cannot test out. I can receive any amounts of texts.


The funny thing is, I can text out.

Did you mean "can't" above? If not then I'm confused as to what the problem is in the first place.
Sorry ClubMan and all. It's the night shift, it scrambles your brain sometimes.

Basically I cannot text out with the phone. It gives the message, "SMS Not Sent". The phone is recieving all text messages.
Have you tried to text to just 087 numbers only? I seem to recall that (crazily!!) you were not able to text to 087 (which was eircell then part of eircom) numbers from eircom home numbers. Maybe this has been corrected! Try texts to 086 and 085 numbers and see what happens!
hi PadraigL

if u have'nt got the manual for your phone, it is available from Philips web-site, here is a link for d/l:

right-click, save target as....

5151s Manual

there is an appendix at the bottom of the manual, entitled

"Information on text messaging (SMS) in Eire"

there is a warning, which says:

Choose the operator type in your phone

Go to Base Station menu and choose Line Settings sub-menu

Select the Choose Country/Oper. sub-menu and choose the appropriate setting among the list (For Example: Eircom)

there is more, but i am fed up typing now. it's to do with SMSC, etc.

read it when you d/l.

Adobe Reader download, if required

hopefully this will get you motoring 8) 8)
Thanks for the replies.

I can now text out using the phone. I did not do anything out of the ordinary.
I had written an e-mail to Eircom and Philips about the problem, and 3 days later it was working.
I am trying at the moment, to find out, what fixed the problem. Philips were/are adamant that their phone is Eircom ready. (I just had to change 1 setting initially as dannymur mentioned. Thanks dannymur but I had the relevant paperwork and box just in case)
Eircom are saying nothing..
I am wondering with Eircom selling the Siemens SMS phone................ are Philips, and the like raining on their parade..

Now that it is working I would recommend this phone, no probs.
hi PadraigL,

gad to hear you're sorted.

I just had to change 1 setting initially as dannymur mentioned

just for our information, did you change the setting suggested in the manual, quoted in my last post, before you asked on AAM or after it was suggested?

in my opinion, this was a cpe problem, and it would be interesting to know whether these phones are eircom-ready out of the box, or are set by default for the UK.
Hi dannymur
I changed the setting before I asked the question. It was defaulted to the UK settings when I got the phone.

Just had to select Eircom and that was it. The service centre numbers are already stored in the phone for Eircom, so I didn't have to go near these even though they can be viewed and changed.

I really think Eircom done something. I actually got a call out of the blue from an Eircom guy last week, before the problem was fixed, who was enquiring about my problem. He said he was answering my e-mail. I told him the full story. He said he wasn't technical but would inform the relevant people. (I had already spoken at length with the SMS expert in Eircom who eventually said he could do nothing).

The guy on the phone just happened to check my address (which I thought unusual at the time) and it turns out he had the wrong address down. (Don’t know how the bills were getting through). I don't know but that may be something to do with it.
It’s all a bit confusing but it’s working now.