(Personal Name) Trading as (Company Name). How do I get this removed?


Registered User
I used to be a shareholder and director in a company that I set up. I disconnected myself from that in 2016 (change of director, transfer of shares and notified Revenue). All was fine when I exited. The company is still trading with new shareholders and directors.

Something popped up last week with the Sheriffs office where they had my details. When I queried this with the Sheriff and Revenue, Revenue told me that there was still a note to say my name was down as trading as the company name. I resolved the issue with the Sheriff (as far as it concerns me) but I'd like to remove the company name from my record in Revenue. The Revenue lady dealing with the Sheriff told me to ring my district office.
When I rang my district office the lady was confused and told me to put it in writing.

I've done that but I was wondering if there was a specific department I could ring or if I could word it better for them to remove all confusion. I'm confused myself. It's not of immediate concern but if the company messes up again, I could do without having to ring around the Sheriff and Revenue. Getting letters from the Sheriff is not a pile of fun.
You'll need to cancel that tax registration in your name. Easiest way to do it is on ROS. Otherwise you could try filing a Form TRCN1 with Revenue. Backdate it to the date on which your involvement as a sole trader with that business ceased.
Thanks T. That TRCN1 was how I notified Revenue (I couldn't remember the form name. It doesn't roll off the tongue).
They did get this form at the time as they rang me asking a couple of questions when they got it.

Edit: I just had a look in ROS. It's all PAYE stuff. I don't see anything to do with the company at all.
Your mention of the company confuses me. If the bill refers to the company, it's their concern and not yours, regardless of what address is on it. In that case, all you need tell the Sheriff etc is "not me Guv". Is the tax reference on the document yours or the company's?
Your mention of the company confuses me. If the bill refers to the company, it's their concern and not yours, regardless of what address is on it. In that case, all you need tell the Sheriff etc is "not me Guv". Is the tax reference on the document yours or the company's?

Resolving the stuff with the Sheriff was easy enough. It did amount to "it's not me Guv" by a bit of back and forth with Revenue.
It's just this remnant that's still on my record. I'd like it gone so I don't have to worry about it in the future. It was easily resolved this time. Next time I could be dealing with an idiot or worse explaining it to the Sheriff at my door.
Sounds like you need to formally instruct the company in writing to notify their change of address to Revenue. Check the company's registered address on [broken link removed] and if this lists your own address, request them to change this too.