Performance Related Bonuses



Quick question?

I've been offered a job on a fixed basic salary which is less than what I was hoping for but in order to "make up" the difference, the prospective employer is offering a Performance Related Bonus and a salary review after 6 months.

Has anyone any experience/opinions on this?
Hi mo3art,

some quick thoughts.

You need to be explicit with regard to the terms of the performance related bounus. For instance is it a subjective measure based on an annual review or is it based on individual or team targets (sales, production, service level)?

Are there other employees who are paid on the same basis?

Is there a max limit to the performance element of your pay? Many companies have a limit of 10% or 15%.

Is the company offering matched pension contributions? If so, are they matching the basic and the performance related bonuses?

I agree with AJ's approach. A good way of resolving a dispute over starting salary is to agree a review after 6 months. But you should agree what the new salary will be in 6 months if your performance is satisfactory.

Thanks Ajapale & Brendan,

I've asked to take a look at the contract as soon as possible anyway, and I'm hoping that it will all turn out alright.

This is the first time that I've been offered a salary with these conditions so I'm just a bit wary - especially as it's an admin position!
Make sure you know what's expected of you between now and the first review.

Before it takes place, you should be in a position to know yourself whether you've performed well or not.