Pepper letter to former Danske Bank customers - dated Feb 2018


Registered User

Former Danske Bank customers got a letter from Pepper in February 2018.

The letter referred to changes in TRS, and specifically stated that as a result of system changes at Pepper, they would not be applying the monthly TRS credit to mortgage accounts for February 2018, but it would instead be deducted from the December 2018 mortgage payment, along with the actual TRS entry for the month of December 2018 (in other words, we'd get the benefit of two months in December 2018).

Putting aside the cost to every individual customer of having that TRS credit deferred for almost ten months, I am looking at my statement and I do not see how the TRS payment for February 2018 has been applied (in December 2018).

Pepper's statements are not great, so perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but from what they show I don't think I am.

Does anyone else see the necessary adjustment on their statement and if so, how is it illustrated please ?