Pensions Commission launches public consultation on state pension

Brendan Burgess


Pensions Commission launches Public Consultation on State Pensions

  • Appeal to Young People to participate
  • Option of Making Submission or Completing Online Survey
  • Consultation runs until 9th March
Tuesday, 9th February, 2021

Today the Pensions Commission launched its public consultation on State Pension arrangements. This is an opportunity for people to have their say on the future of State Pensions in Ireland.

Over the next four weeks, everybody including workers, self-employed, unemployed and retired people, employers and representative groups, carers and young people will have the opportunity to help inform the Commission’s work by making a submission outlining their views or completing an online survey.

Speaking ahead of the public consultation, the Chair of the Pensions Commission, Ms. Josephine Feehily said that any reforms to State Pension arrangements have the potential to affect almost everybody in Ireland and the Commission is keen to hear a wide range of views to help develop options on how sustainable State Pensions can be provided for current and future generations.

The Chair of the Pensions Commission, Ms. Josephine Feehily said,

This public consultation is an important component of the work of the Commission and members are keen to hear from a wide range of perspectives. We want to hear people’s views on the future of the Irish State pension system, including when it should be paid, the basis on which it should be paid, how it can be paid for and how to make sure that it is as fair as possible.

We also want views on retirement ages in employment contracts, especially where they are below the State Pension age. Because today’s workers are paying for today’s pensioners, we are particularly keen to hear from younger people, who may not know it but who are, and will be, funding State pension payments over the coming decades.

Welcoming the launch, the Minister for Social Protection, Ms. Heather Humphreys TD said,

“The State Pension is the bedrock of the Irish pension system. I am delighted that the Pensions Commission has launched its public consultation process on State Pension arrangements. Thankfully with improvements in life expectancy, Irish people can expect a long and healthy retirement. Careful consideration is required to ensure that sustainable State Pensions can be funded into the future. I am pleased that the Commission is also examining the issue of retirement ages in employment contracts and how we can accommodate carers within the pension system. I would urge people to send a submission to the Commission or fill out the survey so that the Commission can take your views into account when developing options for Government.”

Further information and guidelines for preparing submissions is available in the Have Your Say: Pensions Commission Consultation Paper on the Pension Commission’s website:

Details about how to submit responses (by email or post, for written submissions; or through a survey) are also available at this link.

For those wishing to respond to the ‘Have Your Say’ Pensions Commission Consultation Survey, please go to [broken link removed]

The closing date for written submissions or for the survey is Tuesday 9th March 2021.
Was thinking of doing so.... some quiet Saturday when Liverpool are not playing! My point would be that instead of piddling about extending the state retirement age break it up into a basis state pension (actuarially calculated by reference to contributions) and a means-tested top-up. Just increasing the state age may be hardship for some people but granting the millionaire or high-flying post 1995 public servant the full state pension seems to be a waste of teh "social" fund. Of course, everybody is entitled to agree or disagree!

Anyone making a submission on this?
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I can't find the origin of this comment "break it up into a basis state pension (actuarially calculated by reference to contributions) and a means-tested top-up" but it makes a lot of sense. And in addition to this I would add two further steps. (1) set up an actual "Provident" type fund to hold and invest the contributions as opposed to the current notional non-existent "fund" (in reality the fund as of now is just a ledger account which is flushed annually to prop up general government expenditure) and this is a large part of the reason we are in the mess we are in. This would obviously have to be eased into being over a period of years, but every year it is deferred makes its introduction more difficult given current demographics and (2) allow additional contributions by individuals to maximise the scale of the provident fund, maximise the use of the collection, investment and payment infrastructure, and allow individuals a portable pension that would allow easy movement between public and private employments and also self employment. This would also provide a means by which those who were short of contributions for whatever reason to "buy back years".

But I'm not sure its worth wasting my time on those as they probably have zero chance of inclusion.
General queries:

(1) should we pre-fund State Pension and/or PS pensions?

(2) if so, which should we switch to funded? State or PS?
But I'm not sure its worth wasting my time on those as they probably have zero chance of inclusion.

Well it definitely won't be included if you don't make the suggestion.

I know or know of three of the members and they certainly would be open minded. They are not a rubber stamp committee by any means.

I did the online survey.

It's pretty well designed and should allow everyone to express an opinion on the topic.

It took me about 30 minutes.

This consultation ends tomorrow.

I know it's a dull and dreary subject for most people. But it's really important.

Contributors to askaboutmoney often challenge the conventional wisdom on such issues and this would be a good chance to have those views listened to.

You should make a short submission if:
  • You are concerned that the system is not sustainable
  • That contributing 4% a year is not enough for the generous pensions paid in retirement
  • That there is a real risk that the contributory pension to which you have been contributing all your life might become means tested.