Pension claim after three years work in Ireland

Ray Cathode

New Member
I wonder if anyone could give me some advice regarding a pension claim. I am 68 years old and worked in Ireland for three years from 1975. Since 1978 I have been living in London and am now in receipt of a UK pension. I was recently chatting with a neighbour who thinks I might be entitled to something because of my work in Ireland, and that I should make a claim.

He said he also worked there in the 1960's and receives a pension because of some EU ruling. Anyway, thought I'd ask here as there seems to be some knowledgeable people about.
3 years equals c 156 weekly PRSI contributions. To get any State Pension you need at least 520 paid contributions.
So I don't think you will qualify for any Srate Pension.
@Ray Cathode

Do you receive a full UK state pension? Most likely you do unless you have big gaps in UK employment.

If you are below the 35 years NI contributions in the UK you can use your Irish PRSI contributions to top up.

But on their own the three years of PRSI will get you nothing unfortunately.
@Ray Cathode

Do you receive a full UK state pension? Most likely you do unless you have big gaps in UK employment.

If you are below the 35 years NI contributions in the UK you can use your Irish PRSI contributions to top up.

But on their own the three years of PRSI will get you nothing unfortunately.
Yes, full state pension as there were only one or two years missing since 1978. To be more accurate I don't receive the full weekly allowance as I worked in the civil service for about 25 of those years and ex civil servants receive a little less. Thanks.
I wonder if anyone could give me some advice regarding a pension claim. I am 68 years old and worked in Ireland for three years from 1975. Since 1978 I have been living in London and am now in receipt of a UK pension. I was recently chatting with a neighbour who thinks I might be entitled to something because of my work in Ireland, and that I should make a claim.

He said he also worked there in the 1960's and receives a pension because of some EU ruling. Anyway, thought I'd ask here as there seems to be some knowledgeable people about.
Yes, you are entitled to 3 years Irish Pension. What they will do is combine your UK and Irish contributions and give you three years.
Yes, you are entitled to 3 years Irish Pension. What they will do is combine your UK and Irish contributions and give you three years.
OK, thanks. That's interesting. I'll make an enquiry and see what they say. Will report back in due course.