PC World Emprex DVD-RW Dual Layer for €75

  • Thread starter fatherdougalmaguire
  • Start date


If you're tempted, don't. It doesn't appear to support dual layer at all. Burns DVD-R OK. I was looking forward to a major back-up-o-rama over Christmas but it doesn't look like it'll be so. For now, it's just DVD Shrink'ing and squishing everything onto compilation DVDs.

Before this Emprex caught my eye I was after an NEC 3500A so if anyone's in the market for a dual-layer DVD writer, that seems to be one of the preferred models.
I recently got me a "Iomega Super DVD 16x Dual-Layer USB 2.0 Drive!" on the airport for 90€ and I am happy with it as it does what it promisse.

Now if I only would find good priced dual layer media somewhere the copy process could continue.