Paying maintenace to ex while still living in same house


Registered User
Hi, I'm a first time poster but have read a lot of helpful posts on this board. Really I suppose I'm just looking for opinions on this.
I'm separated from my ex husband about a year now. We have 2 children. We were renting when we separated and are still in the same house. I work 4 days per week and he is at home to mind the kids (school going). He doesn't receive any benefits as he was self employed previously but hasn't really had any work in the last few years. My wages aswell as CB and FIS cover all expenses. I pay him €100 per week which really is to cover his costs bringing kids to and from school, extra curricular activities etc. He doesn't make any contribution financially to household or school expenses. If I try to discuss money with him he claims he's entitled to the weekly payment I make to him. I understand he needs money to run his car etc. but I think €100 per week is a bit more than he should expect. This is money I could really do with towards kids expenses. If I suggest he look for a part time job in the mornings when kids are in school the idea is shot down. I don't work Mondays so he'd have all that day to work aswell. There are no annual holidays and no lavish expenses, just the usual day to day costs. Am I being unreasonable or should I just accept that €100 is fair and leave it at that? We have an amicable relationship and he is a great dad to our kids, we just didn't work out together.