paying cash for kitchen can we avoid VAT?


Do you have a violin playing in the background when you post here, because thats what I'm hearing from you.

The world is built around technicalities - deal with it - don't do the whole naieve thing on me again. Even the worst scumbag deserves a defence - sometimes they get off on technicalities, thems the rules, I don't like it, you don't like it.

But, really, what part of "It's the traders responsibility to account for VAT, and there is nothing to stop him doing so when you pay cash" don't you understand?

Re the PD's, I might run at some stage, I've enough going on in my life at the moment, I'll keep it on the backburner. Not that I accept your attempt to characterise me as some lunatic rightwinger, were I to fire at you with a 12 guage from under the blanket on the rocking chair on my porch, well maybe then you could call me that.

Re ripping off my fellow citizens, its the gimps who never shop around, who can't get rid of enough money just to show they have it, who never haggle, that are doing this country a disservice. Why does rip-off Ireland persist?? Because there are too many sheep who whip out the vaseline everytime they have to pay for something.
I did but to be fair I did credit them at the time I used it.
Hence you knowing where it came from.

I see you tried the old trick of slightly changing it to get by the Copyright

Hi Betsy - I understand perfectly all your points about VAT. I understand that the cash buyer isn't breaking the law. But a cash buyer who offers cash specifically to get the seller to drop VAT (al the original poster suggested) clearly bears ethical & moral responsibility for the tax evasion involved.

And actually, I share many of your views on the cause of rip-off Ireland, but that's a topic for a different thread altogether.
I'm fully convinced the whole 'knock off the VAT for cash' is simply a sales technique. People love a bargain.

I remember going down to a market and the traders would imply the stuff was knocked off. This seemed to encourage sales as the punters wanted a bargain. Whether or not the merchandise was knocked off is anyone's guess.

The sales people are simply working on people's greed.

Of course, they are probably just giving a discount of 21% and still paying the revenue the VAT. Nothing illegal in that. Ever see the signs "We'll pay the VAT"?
RanyDay, the PD's are no more extreme rightwing than the Labour party are extreme left wing. The only party in this country that's more than a one-man band that is extreme on any wing is Sinn Fein who are extreme left wing. That is somewhere in the top ten on the list of one hundred reasons why not to vote for them.
Irish politics lost it's wings years ago. Arguing about where the major parties sit on the political spectrum is about as useful as agruing over angels on the head of a pin.

Labour bleet hardest about the PD's right-wing extremism. It's the only way they can convince their die-hards that Labour is still a left wing party.

Although to be fair their BARMY ideas on childcare recently announced are certainly pulling them back in the general Tax and Spend failed socialist model.

God help us all. A choice between the Red Devils and the Deep Blue PD's.

umop3p!sdn said:

Of course, they are probably just giving a discount of 21% and still paying the revenue the VAT.


If its supply & fit then I would expect the VAT rate to be 13.5%

Cant be worth doing without a warranty for the sake of that can it ?