Paye/PRSI Taxpayers: Who do you have to inform when you move house?


A PAYE/PRSI taxpayer wonders who do they have to inform when they move house?

She assumed that all she has to inform is her employer and the revenue. Does she have to inform some other agencies/governmnet departments as well?
That should suffice, though in some circumstances it might also be necessary to inform D/Social and Family Affairs (if in receipt of some benefits). A decent rule of thumb is that if you don't recall them having written to you at the address, you probably don't need to tell them.

But do tell the TV licence people otherwise they persecute you (and indeed may prosecute you too) to get you to buy a new licence.

And if in an area where the council does the bins, then tell them too so they re-register the bins to the new person (though I suppose that falls under the general heading of "sort out your utilities").

More generally, it's a good idea to get the An Post redirection service too -

[no affiliation with An Post...]
- especially when you've been at an address for quite a while; it takes the stress and urgency off having to contact absolutely everyone you've had dealings with who might possibly have the remotest reason to contact you to inform them of your address change.
Without knowing the circs, couldn't say for sure - if she's had benefits from them probably, if not then almost certainly not. More than likely, she'll be fine informing just Revenue and employer but I wouldn't take just my word for it!