part time work below prsi amt - jsb stopped


Registered User
Just wondering if someone can help.
JSB currently going to run out unless i have 13 weeks contributions for PRSI. I currently earn below the PRSI payment limit but i am registered as employeed and my employer pays his PRSI part.
How do i get a credit if i am below the threshold and not paying any thing for prsi........
From what i remember my P21 statement listed SW as an income so with that i probably would be over the weekly amount for getting a credit?
Hope this makes sense?
Are you earning over €38 per week? If so then your employer should be paying your class A stamp, and it should be listed on your payslip. Just bring your payslips showing 13 contributions down to the SW, and they will sort it out.
If you're earning less than €38, then you wont have the stamps to re-qualify.